Gaming out of China

Was wondering if someone can help with my troubles playing online games out of China. Basically, live and work in Shanghai for the past 7 years. About 2,5 years ago started playing League of legends on american servers, and really got into it. Didn't have any problems with connection for the first year or so, solved high ping with things like WTfast and Battleping. But recently (well, more like half of the year) started having real issues with my connection. I think it started after the updates to the chinese national firewall, that blocks a lot of traffic and connections from sources outside of china. I don't know what they changed (if they did), but internet got even worse here if its even possible. Basically, can't do anything without VPN here. Anyway, as I said - basically can't play games located outside of china. Get disconnects every game in LoL, with or without Battleping/WTFast. Have insane ping/lagspikes in RoS. Was wondering if there's any way I could fix this :) 

PS: found a chinese gaming VPN that helps a bit, but still quite unstable for proper gaming. Lagspikes/disconnects, although less frequent than WTFast/Battleping.

I have been living in Nanjing the past couple of years. I also experienced some lag issues, and websites getting randomly disconnected after they updated the firewall (I think they are constantly updating it). Like last year IMDB was blocked but now it works fine, also imgur seems to be blocked but sometimes it works. I don't play the games you play. I mostly play TF2 which has many local servers here. Even the korean servers have good ping. My advice for you is play in local servers, try different VPNs and lookout for updates and workarounds which may help. Also, don't use wifi, if you are. 

Yeah the struggle for decent internet here is an eternal here. I recently got updated to 10m line, thought might solve the issues with lag and stuff, but nope. I play WoT on local servers, and yeah its lag free. But I play League and RoS with my friends in states, plus i'm not fluent in chinese, and won't be able to communicate properly in LoL (WoT doesn't require communication as much).