Hi everyone, i feel like i need share my recent exprerience installing games that are not native to linux.
Although that is propably a subject much discussed.
I have been a linux user for about 6 months and although i used to play a lot of league of legends when i installed linux i didnt try setting it up. However after 6 months of not gaming and with the start of the new season lately i have been craving to play a game or two after a hard days work. So yesterday i started researching about the proccess of installing games on linux. We all know it i assume, install wine tinker arround etc etc. The reason i hadnt tried doing that so far was because i couldnt be bothered to be honest.But yesterday i came across this new open source gaming platform. And Oh my god, i am already running League, i played my first game after downloading it and there was no problem whatsoever. I am very excited because litterally all i had to do was download wine, Lutris and league (through Lutris) and i was good to go. Honestly the process was so smooth. So i want to give a shoutout to anyone having problems installing a game to try out Lutris. I think that gaming in linux has never been so easy, litteraly point and click.
Maybe this post ought to be an the gaming thread?? not sure i tried putting it on both