You have two ears. Not 7. Apply headphones if you have any atm and listen to this:
Typically, gaming headsets either cheap out on the headphones or the microphone, and even with the value of both combined are pretty dear for what they are.
Hi yes i would like the mic to built in. Also I had a look at these Razer Kraken 7.1 Chroma Surround Sound USB Black Gaming Headset Corsair Gaming CG-H1500, Dolby 7.1 USB Headset (CA-9011128-EU) Asus Orion Pro ROG 7.1 Gaming Headset with ROG Spitfire USB Audio Processor Corsair 1500V2 Dolby 7.1 Gaming Headset (CA-9011124-EU) HyperX Cloud II Gaming Headset for PC/PS4/Xbox one/Mac/Mobile - Red Plantronics Gamecom 788 Surround Sound USB Gaming Headset Asus Strix Pro Gaming Headset Shogun Bros Wired Ensense Pro Headset (Knight Black) I like HyperX Cloud II as they look good but don't know any more. What would you recommend??????????
The HyperX Cloud II is a solid choice. Don't focus so much on 7.1 stuff. You'll get much better quality with stereo, and it doesn't make a difference when telling where things are in game.
If you want to be able to pinpoint the positioning of things in game, you want some open backed headphones - it'll give you a bigger soundstage. Superlux HD668B's are open, under $50 (so you could team these up with a antlion modmic) and have a good reputatoin.
What's the different from HyperX Cloud and HyperX Cloud 2? Are the Asus Orion Pro ROG 7.1 Gaming Headset with ROG Spitfire USB Audio Processor any good?
I'd just like to reiterate about the antlion modmic. You might want to have a look at it. It's basically a little microphone that you can stick to your headphones, it has a magnetic base that's adhesive (crazy strong adhesive), so you an remove the microphone from the headphones when you don't want to have it in the way - or just rotate it up - the base has teeth on it to lock it into certain positions.
It's just under $50, so you can get a separate set of headphones for $50 that'll beat most of the headphones you get in a gaming headset to put it on.
Alternatively, going with SpaceCat's recommendation of an open back headphone, these would also go well with that mic I linked.
@SpaceCat We're talking £. I think the ModMic costs too much in terms of shipping and import tax to justify getting it over something like the Blue Snowball.
Ok im stuck know do i go with HyperX Cloud 2 or the HD668B's with antlion modmic. I think i would get HyperX Cloud 2 as it comes with mic and bag to carry it in. do think the HyperX Cloud 2 is a good buy?
For an all in one I'd say the FUNC-HS-260, they are about 80$ USD. The mic on this is actually phenominal, audio wise its a bit flat, but you are not going to get the best sound quality out of any "gaming" headset. As for what everyone else is saying, the mod mic is a great little microphone.
I'd really like to point out the Mic quality. Check it out when Logan tests it.
Well the FUNC-HS-260 sound test was like white background noise compare the antlion modmic. But I dont know how the antlion modmic works like how are you spouse to plug in in the headsets? I think I need good head set the buy antlion modmic. I can stretch to about 150 max if required but no more. Any one tell a good head set with good base for films and tv shows and games. Then I buy antlion modmic but can some tell me how do I install antlion modmic?
Hi just show the video and i show these two AKG K612 PRO Headphones Pro open or Beyerdynamic DT990 PRO Headset - 250 OHM I wanted a head phone that i can hear every detail like footsteps and gun bullet going of. I want to here were the bullet came from in films and tv shows. which one of these headsets can do this? If none of these head sets can do this then which one out their can do this? also not sure but does the antlion modmic work with both head sets as im not sure if they have slot for headphone wire. Also i were glasses and plan to wear them for few hours. I wait for your replay.....
Hi my pc set up is not normal as I have it hoked up to my tv then I use wireless keyboard and mouse. I need a head phone that I can hook these in to modmic. I don't site beside my pc this why I need a headset for all round use for movies and tv shows so the sound must be good and must be able to pinpoint were the sound is coming from like it a gun was used Ii want to be able to hear were it came from. I need open headset and this why I have come here advice. Does any one know of a head set that can do this that also has modmic that works with it? I also listen to orchestra music also. I also wear glasses.