Gaming Headphone + Mod mic setup

Hello tek syndicate,

i watched a lot of your videos and i realy got away from buying a gaming headset. There was the Sennheiser G4me Zero in discussion, but it seems that i get a far better setup with buying headphones + mod mic. Since i already have a detached mic (Steelseries Siberia V2, not the best one, but i want to hear it clear and my voice dont need to be the best), i only need headphones.

So i have like a 200€ (220$) budget. I want good isolation (closed headphones) and good to very good positioning (WoW, Smite, CS:GO). I saw the beyerdynamic custom pro (plus, dont know whats better with plus), but there a lot of options.

I dont have enough budget to buy a dac with it, but i am using the x-fi xtremegamer, it i am happy with it. I disabled the most “audio enhancements” and the sound is okay for me, but i cant compare it, because i dont have better stuff. But i guess this card can run any headphones from 32 ohms to 250 ohms right?

So maybe you can help me to choose the right headphones. It would be awesome if a mod mic will fit into the budget, but its not a must!


Sound is a very personal thing. But I have both a pair of California Headphone Company Silverados and AKG 553Pros. I like them both for different things.

The AKGs are my PC headphones as they are not great isolation but perfect for a room with just a PC making noise. They don't clamp down on my head nearly at all, they are very loose but that also makes them comfortable as they don't put pressure on my head. They seal just fine though. The bass is a strange one it is very subtle but if it get down low like 20-10hz it really shakes, like those low drops for slow mo and explosions the love to put in movies really hit home. At first hearing they may sound very trebly but just getting used to them opens them up a lot. The down side is the 553s are a massdrop only thing, but you can buy 550s easy and cheap enough. Not entirely sure about the difference, the 553s are meant to have more bass. Neither have removeavlble cables.

The CHC Silverados have incredible isolation and are fantastically comfortable. They also clamp down hard but are near the perfect shape so feel great and never move when on which also make the seal great and whacks up the bass a ton. When you have them just in your hands with each cup closed on each other they actually vibrate it traps the sound that well. These are my go everywhere workhorse headphones, top to bottom is solid metal and real leather they are made to.last forever. The only thing I don't like is the cable, a bit flimsy but it is replaceable, all ends unplug.

Edit about positioning. The AKGs are a closed headphone but sound very wide and open, I don't play CS:GO competitively but play other games a lot and I listen to a lot of music and the positioning is good to me, but itnus a personal thing sound so it may differ to your ear.

The CHCs also have very good sound reproduction ams separation but are not super wide, they are a very closed headphone, like put them on close your eyes and you don't hear anything else you could be anywhere, that sort of closed isolation, great for sleeping. But there have been many an occasion where one song has a sound and I swaer it is someone in the house calling me. That sort of positioning. It is creepy. I know which song it is now so I can ignore it but the first few times listening to it in a end empty room I was sure someone was calling me. For what it is worth a music producer friend has them currently and says they are great for mixing accurate natural reverbs.

Thanks for the move :-) (sorry for the missplacement)

and thanks for the reply, i will take a look at those, the first look was very good, they look awesome ;-) but i will take a closer look, to verify them for my needs.