Well, I need a new laptop, my current $250 HP Compaq is outdated and has awful performance, going to college soon so it'll be necessary to have something mobile, and I like gaming. I will be building a full blown gaming pc in the Summer but for now I want something that could probably handle BF3 on med or low setting and maybe even Planetside 2 even. Also I would like it to be good at multitasking, current laptop can't handle opening multiple tabs quickly lol. Is there a laptop out there that could do this for let's say $400-$450? Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated!
a laptop at that price point....very tough...maybe even impossible.
I'll give you some reference. My laptop, Lenovo Y570 $750 bucks, i7 GT555M. barely runs Planestside 2 with lowest settings, frames in the 20's
Honestly, buying a laptop for gaming is a poor investment, in my opinion, save that money for your rig. But if you really do need a portable computing device, buy it, but don't think you'll try to game on it.
Yeah man you're looking around $700USD for a decent laptop that can handle newer games. I'd look at ASUS for laptops since they seem to be the best bang for the buck around that price range. Not to mention great cooling and build quality. Everything for the price range you're looking at isn't going to have enough graphics power to run anything new well. If you're stuck at that budget, maybe look at an older used laptop with a good gpu. Although if you do that you're going to be 3+ generations behind on the cpu.
well if your willing to go down to apus you could get one that can kinda game just no jaw dropping performance
Good call on Asus laptops, just found this beauty on Newegg
And look what it can do!
Just found an Asus laptop with an A8 that could max Black Ops 2 lol. I don't know how good APU's are though.
well apus aren't as powerfull as dedicated really, the biggest a10 can't run bf3 at all really, but they do much better then intels integrated option.
Yeah, a bunch of other laptops had Intel integrated graphics which aren't too good. However I did see this
Edit, wow Im stupid I was asking what you were doing with it but haha I forgot you needed it for college
Lol it's cool. I am gonna have a desktop along side this but I just want something that can be easy to carry, have a good processor, and be able to game a bit. The one I found can boot up from sleep time very quickly so that should be useful. As far as price, I know someone who has a Asus ROG branded gaming laptop that could only max BF3 at medium settings and it cost $1400, kind of rediculous how the Asus K55 can run the game that well too.
Honestly, I'll tell you right now that your best decision is to do something more like buy a cheap ass laptop or netbook for portability and then invest in a gaming build. It's honestly not even hard to get away with a 500 dollar build that is decent, and then about 250-300 for the laptop. You're looking at like, 850 max.
This Asus laptop is pretty cheap considering the parts. Also my main build will cost 1400k but it will have really high end components http://pcpartpicker.com/p/DVLZ
I will be making a ton of gameplay videos being a youtuber and all so I need something that can push out quality videos for many years.
Battery life sucks on that laptop, which I think will really get on your nerves for school plus the gaming on it will cause the battery to suck more. But If if you are not worried about it, that asus looks pretty awesome for the price
I'm not too familiar with laptops but can't you buy a longer lasting battery?
This may be to pricy but is still good if you get some more cash http://m.youtube.com/#/watch?v=wkAYCI9hPZk&desktop_uri=%2Fwatch%3Fv%3DwkAYCI9hPZk
That may be already postedbut it wont load for me lol
Just look for an AMD 'A' series laptop for now. I had an A8. I will tell ya' right now it won't run BF3 like that. Maybe on low though. Mine was great and everything, and ran ARMA2 DAY-Z at like 27 FPS while recording. So it wasn't bad. Definitely grab the ASUS laptop for now. It's perfect for wacha' need and won't set ya back alot.
How come it can't run it like that? Do 4Gb's of RAM compared to 8 really bottleneck the machine that much?
Dont try gaming on laptops, if you can avoid. Maybe lighter stuff like lol or valve games, but bf3 will kill a mid level laptop, they generate too much heat and often break in 2ish years. At least from what I have seen...
Maybe something like this? http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16834312242