Gaming controllers for PC

Need a good controller for Dark Souls, but I'm not a fan of XBOX controllers. I'll most likely end up getting a DualShock4 if i can't find anything else, but I was wondering if the tek community knew of some other alternatives. Thanks!

I've got one of these bad boys from back in the day.

oh dear. It looks interesting but it doesn't have a second analog stick

Dark souls and dark souls 2 was made for a 360 contoller on pc there are mods to add playstashon key prompts but this can get you softbaned in dark souls 2 ...i dont think thay care anymore about original dark souls.
The xbox 360 pad is a official windows controller cet by microsoft

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or a steam controller

I don't need the prompts to change, i just need a decent controller with a real d-pad and two analog sticks on equal height

How is this controller compared to the xbox360 one?

thanks, looks real nice, I'll check it out.

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i duno, looks almost the same, maybe better d pad.

you asked bitch.

Good old Logitech?

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had one, the analog stick material feels weird and it feels a bit clunky. It might have been mine being messed up. Thanks for the suggestion though!

No problem, I don't know much about the F310, I continue to use the Rumblepad 2 which feels fine everywhere. I do know that the analouge triggers feel really bad on the F310, it isn't shaped well for smaller hands.

It's feels cheap. Not Chinese level cheap but just bad design/build.

The second analogue stick is the center joint. lol. Seriously though, A Wii U Pro controller is an option if you have bluetooth.

hmm, i do have a Wii U,and there's this which should work for the controllers plug, plus ii have bluetooth, damn this is tough

Steelseries 3G
I would say if this was good at six bucks, although refurb. Sadly there sold out, bestbuy seems to have them for eighteen USD. Getting it working with dolphin was odd, and you need to install software for rumble. For me I have to keep it in a non usb3 port for some reason to make it work. Has a nice rubbery grip. D-pad is a bit odd to me compared to my ps3.

Do you have a radioshack still open/closing nearby? Picked up that PS3 radioshack edition for twelve, but no rumble.

im using a dualshock 4 right now for dark souls 1/2. i must say it works really well, both with bluetooth and wired.
the trackpad can be handy if you are playing on a tv an dont want to use a mouse.
it can be a bit tricky setting it up though.
steam likes to screw with the Xinput wrapper, you have to make sure it starts before steam starts or it wont detect the controller.
another negative point is the battery life, its just not very long compared to other controllers.
overall i dont think it is really worth it.

Did a Playstation and a NES controller have a baby? It is odd and interesting all at once.