GameStream through the internet?

Do you think it would be possible to game stream over the internet? I understand latency would be the key factor and not bandwidth

say if Google Fiber was much farther implemented and developed, and if i had a gaming desktop at home in LA and were on a laptop in NY, both on wired Google Fiber connections (figuring same company fiber would give best latency)

and if that latency wouldnt be possible from the distace, what if you were in the same town with same companies connection, work connection and home connection within 50 miles of eachother,26476.html

oh that is awesome,

does anyone know of a different way of doing this, this is just nvidia card to shield

I would like to go amd card to laptop

Fractal Josh said he saw Linus doing it in a car over 4G with the shield portable one time

I did some experimenting with Steam IHS over a VPN a little over a year ago. Both locations have fiber from different ISPs (100 Mbit symmetric on UTOPIA and 1 Gbit symmetric on Google Fiber) and are about a 20 min. drive apart. Both PCs were wired to their respective routers via CAT5 (i.e. no WiFi). I didn't notice any additional latency vs. game-streaming on a LAN connection. There was some latency, of course, vs. playing locally; however the added distance plus VPN encrypt/decrypt didn't add significantly to the overall latency.