GamesCom 2015

Just as I asked last year, and seen one on two threads on this questions that were overlooked in last inbox.exe I'll ask again. Will you be at GamesCom 2015? I'll bring mead for you guys :D


What we need to do is make a con schedule on TekSyndicate. Where everyone can write down what cons / shows / meetups they want to attend / are attending.

This way we can actually end up meeting (more) members of this community -- which is something very hard to do in Europe.

And Logan, Wendell, Pistol, Quain & co can check it out and if they see there are a lot of fans in a certain place, it's more likely they'll show up.

Actually, it would also be interesting if they implemented a world map on the site, of how many teksyndicate users are in which regions.

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I like the idea The_Guy
Before they implement a map we first, should make a poll

I just tried to make a poll.
I failed miserably, due to the fact that you can't make polls on the teksyndicate forums yet.

Logan, please make polls happen.
I want to be able to make a "Where are you from?" poll.
-USA -- [votes]
-Canada -- [votes]
-France -- [votes]
-Singapore -- [votes]
-Grenyarnia -- [votes]
-Beetlejuice -- [votes]
-[Add Your Own]

Then if we could visualize it on a map it would be great, but that's step 2.

Why is France on there, but not Germany.. >.>

Hey, would be quite cool to meet at gamescom! I will be there on Friday and Saturday.

Don't know if I'll be there then, but sure