So I just finished my first pc build, what are some games i should start looking at getting? Specs: gtx 760, amd 8350, and 8 gigs ram.
ArmA 3
Alan Wake The Banner Saga, Deus Ex (don't play Invisible War) , Endless Legend, FTL, Hand of Fate, Legend of Grimrock, Lichdom Battlemage, Max Payne 3, MGS V: Ground Zeroes, Middle-Earth: Shadow of Mordor, Shadowrun Returns, Transistor, Valkyria Chronicles, The Witcher 1/2, XCOM: Enemy Unknown.
I would be careful with Arma 3, I have heard about many issues with it and AMD processors. It will probably run well, but might not do as well as if a 4690 or 4790 were in it.
Definite thumbs up on The Banner Saga, FTL, Legend of Grimrock, and XCOM.
I'm also a huge fan of a city building sim called Banished. It's a lot of fun, and really punishing if you're not paying close attention. Not everyone's cup of tea, but if it sounds interesting, give it a shot.
The F.E.A.R. games are pretty good, Hotline Miami is awesome, South Park: The Stick of Truth is pretty damn fun if you can catch it on a decent sale (I'd look to pay $20 or less, tbh), Symphony is a fun fusion of bullet hell games and music games (think Galaga fused with Audiosurf), and I've been having fun with the Toxikk beta, even though I don't usually condone paying for an unfinished product.
Banner Saga is game of the decade, man.
+1 on Banished. I haven't played it much but it's well done.
Whatever issues you heard about AMD and ArmA 3 are either rubbish made up by intel Fanbois or have been resolved. Sure, the Intel parts have a higher IPC resulting in somewhat smoother gameplay since ArmA 3 is currently locked to at most 2 threads, but that is changing soon. ArmA 3 is going Multi-thread/Multi-core. I ran ArmA 3 just fine with a FX 8120 Bulldozer chip. I got around 50-60 FPS. You just have to tweak the system settings in game.
That is why I said be careful. I wish that I could try my hand at Arma 3, I loved Arma 2. I only had issues with framerates with it. I would for some reason hover around 25-30 fps no matter what settings I used. I was playing on a Phenom X6 1075t with an HD 6870. It was no powerhouse machine, but is not a slouch. Either way, I would love to try it if there will be better multi-core support.
Get skyrim and mod the crap out of it to your hearts content! thought you only have a 2 gb card so don't go overly crazy on texture mods haha
thank you all for replies, will check them all out