Games you think would work really well in VR

What games do you think would work really well in VR?



genital jousting... first... now nobody has to mention it again... it should also not be discussed in terms of VR advantages and stuff, was just posting this to avoid the issue further down the thread.


As of right now, games that do not require much body movement and rely more on head tracking for gameplay. Rail shooters can work well with VR since you are in fixed positions whereas an arena shooter would make you sick. You need Sword Art Online Nervegear technology to do crazy movement without sickness.

The Stalker series, or F.E.A.R 1 & 2. (the 3rd F.E.A.R is awful, and i pretend it doesn't exists)

In its current form, any racing and/or simulation game would work well in VR I think. Essentially if the camera has the player sitting in a seat VR would work well.

Assetto Corsa, Ace Combat, Dirt, Train Simulator, et cetera.

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I was thinking planet coaster would be pretty rad given the sense of scale you'd have zooming in and out of things.

Any racing game would be amazing in VR.

After owning a Vive for a little over a month now, I have to say that seated experiences are by far the best. I built a simpit for racing/flying that works out great.

Some of the room-scale games make me dizzy though, most notably Onward. Its a MP shooter where you have analog movement instead of "warping" to different locations, the locomotion is VERY disorientating.

Mirror's Edge.

(also i recall we had similar thread like this? or was that in the lounge?)

doing the spin roll would be TERRIBLE!!

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forgot bout those yeah :p

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You have way too much disposable income dude... Give some to me....
Anyways, I believe a new type of genre have to be invented for vr to really take off... I mean I would love Euro Truck Sim 2 in vr, but I cam have it easily outside vr as well. I believe a completely new genre of game should be invented, where you can't play it without vr in any shape or form...
Something like Minecraft / Lego type of sandbox should be just fine. I mean it will be literally playing with Lego without physically owning Lego and without the risk of stepping on a sharp piece or something...
A train set is usually coating thousands of dollars. Not in VR it ain't. A game where you assemble your own train set without spending all those money on it... And with precise enough controls you can build something really really nice...

What im really waiting for is a good 3D modeling program in VR. There are already a few that are decent but im looking for something on par with 3DS Max or Blender. And I dont have that much disposable income lol, dont you see that simpit made out of PVC and fiberboard? (Although there is about $2000 of peripherals attached to it heh heh)

Pretty awesome looking setup. I got a Vive a couple weeks ago and am really liking it. Elite Dangerous is AWESOME in VR; although I'm still trying to figure the game itself out, just flying around is really cool. Some of the room scale stuff works pretty well while others don't. I just downloaded Superhot VR, but haven't had time to try it yet. The regular version of the game was excellent so I imagine it'll be even better in VR.


The Sexy Beach series would work well.

A virtual desktop for programming.

If there was some crazy mod for Witcher III that would be awesome haha, being able to explore that world from a first-person perspective would look great!

I know lobosjr did that with Dark Souls III haha, it looks cool - at the cost of super bad locomotion sickness I think haha

Most PC Horror games, most FPSRPG (elder scrolls, fallout)

They're going to have to get the resolution much higher(probably more than double the Vive's res) for that to be feasible. I've tried virtual desktop on mine and about all I've found it good for is watching SBS 3D videos.