Hi people, recently I've had several episodes where I just have the urge to go berserk (things are not going too well) and I have this undying rage i just can't take out on things or people obviously and I can't just scream my lungs out, I have neighbors and a "family".
So games being my main way of coping with all my shit, I'd look for a game to blow of A LOT of steam, something not too easy but not really challenging since getting killed would probably make me even more mad:
GTA doesn't make it for me: pacing is too slow, and cops can get annoying really quickly.
SuperSmashBros/MK/versus fighters are too easy to lose.
I think [Prototype] would be a good fix, I've played it in the past, slamming pedestrians faces against wall/ground and slashing my way downtown, killing NPCs as a mutated human mess sounds like a plan.
But I still want to hear you guys out, what are your go to games when you're mad?