Games that have disappointed you

Has there ever been a game that you were so excited to play, that the reality of actually playing it disappointed you because it didn't meet your expectations?


 Mine would be Diablo 3.


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Bioshock Infinite.

Boarderlands - Zero story or narrative,did seemingly nothing but shoot dogs in the face for 3 hours, the "Thousands of guns!!" were minor variations of about 6 themes. Still love the art direction though.

Enslaved: Oddessy to the West - Terrible, lazy port and completely unplayable with keyboard and mouse.

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GTA IV it just was not a fun game and the story was so dry. Worse than boring to play, annoying in the end.

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I can't remember the last time I didn't feel disappointed for any game I spent over £35 for.

The longevity / enjoyment just doesn't balance out the cost.


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Amnesia: A Machine for pigs.

First of all. It was an ok game. It just felt unfitting to the first game. I mean it used the same engine but it felt entirely different. It failed to create the "pissing my pants as we speak" atmosphere.

For an example, the monsters. The monsters in AtDD where not that scary when you look at the artwork(they almost look cartoon-ish). However the fact that looking at them meant that they could spot you easier is a stroke of genius. It creates mystery around what they look like that is not really reviled until late into the game. Also making the character you play feel human by making how scared he is a gameplay mechanic is likewise smart. He feels much more relatable that way. And I think I don't even have to mention the blood-curdling sound that came when the monsters chased you(in general the sounds in the game were very good). 

Whilst in  AaMfP you could just stare away at the monsters and it would have no consequences. The story was not really explained and had gaps in it(a little flawed). And the ending scene was the worst. you where in no real danger at all. I get that the scariest things are those you cannot see, but it felt like there was a party and you came late to and where only there to witness the aftermath of the fun itself.

Still I must give the creators props for the look of the game. The industrial era was used very well both with teeming and general aesthetics.

Over all a fine game but paling in comparison of Amnesia: The Dark Decent


Dark Souls PTDE... this game is just horrible! I haven't played a game with gameplay this bad since, well can't even remember. The controls are just terrible (and i played with a controller!), they artificially increase the difficulty with the input lag, the animations (moving or attacking), are just too slow for a hack and slash! Hell, i can probably swing a bastard sword faster than the warrior in this game can swing a normal sword!! The game balance is just unfair..people claim the game is challenging and hard, well to me that perfectly describes Ninja Gaiden, where the game can be incredibly hard, but you can still wipe the floor with it with skill, while Dark souls just decides tho have re spawning enemies every where even right after a boss battle with save points far away..that's not hard, that's just broken.

Pretty much all of my complains come from playing a warrior, i didn't bother to try a mage 'cause i had seen in reviews and in gameplay videos that you cant manually aim your spells, you shoot fireball in the direction your're me that's just silly..

this game is everything dark souls should have been!

Stalker: call of pripyat (please dont kill me)

I was a huge fan of fallout3/new-vegas and i had played them both to absolute death (1000hrs). Because i was hungry for more of the same thing; I downloaded stalker and to my surprise i was quite disappointed. I dunno what it was, the game just seemed... empty & unfulfilling. (6-7/10)


The Witcher 2

Dunno what it was about this game... i just didn't really like it. The combat was awful. (3/10)


Metro 2033

Probably due to the fact that i played metro last light before metro 2033. The game just seemed clunky (if that makes any sense). The fact that the stealth-system was non-existent is probably the main reason why i didn't enjoy it as much as i should have. (7/10)



OK so this one should be pretty obvious to a lot of you. The game-play was fun... for about 30 minutes. A-lot like borderlands 2, it just became very boring very quickly. (6-7/10)

Rust, Neverwinter Nights, C&C Tiberium Wars, Hexen II and Duke Nukem Forever.

Diablo 3, The latest Wow expansions., Tomb raider, Watch dogs.

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Watch_dogs was a travesty .. ughguh

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Every Call of Duty, Watch_Dogs, Halo 2...        Watch_Dogs

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I agree on Dark souls tried to play it multiple times with fixes and it was still horrible calling a game hard because its broken means it doesnt require skill just patience. also I disagree with the witcher 2, if you have played the witcher 1 you would know how much  better the combat actually is, the witcher 1 is a prduct of age in my opinion and I have faith in CD projekt red making the witcher 3 a great game.

Doom 3, Payday 2, All of WoW, Everquest 2, SWG, Vangard

Maybe an even worse port than gta 4 haha.

The only game I have truly been disappointed by is Secrets of Rætikon. It promised to be more of an explorative puzzler but added in terrible combat and had one of the worst endings I have ever played. Doubt anyone would get this game or finish playing it, so (spoilers) the ending is just a game of pong. Literally none of the mystery is explained and I just felt cheated from a conclusion, a purpose to have played it.

GTA V (Glitches, shitty characters, shitty story, ridiculous install requirements, poor controls, shallow heist missions. Generally meh.) 

Watch Dogs (Obvious reasons. Shitty PC performance and nerfed graphics. Poor story and characters. Shallow gameplay.) 

Witcher series (Sorry they are really boring IMO and have a seriously misguided attempt at maturity. Sorry if that makes me dumb and not a true PC gamer but fuck that. I'd rather be dumb and having fun than smart and bored). 

Borderlands series (Everyone loves these games for some reason. Not really sure why. Repetitive grind). 

Destiny (Had hope for this one but nope grind and generally boring gameplay). 

Thief. (They couldn't have missed the point more. Game was ass.)


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In the most Recent Games I've played

  1. Witcher 2
  2. Thief
  3. Watch_Dogs
  4. Dark (yes it's named this)
  5. Battlefield 4

These games I Had my heart Set on Purchasing. Till I saw Reviews, Gameplay and I was like WHY?!?!?!?

Correction: Except WItcher 2. I was Disappointed on how SHORT the bloody Story was.

Battle Field 4

Thief 2014