Games that don't suck?

looking for new games

Do a list of your top 5 games, it will make recommending games easier.

Far Cry 4 is suspose to be good. One of the better games to have come out this fall without huge problems despite is being from Ubisoft. Dragon Age Inquisition is really great has a TON of content which may be a little much since it doesnt do the greatest job presenting it all (Hard to know whats main story and what you can skip in a sense.) The new borderlands was also fun. 

every valve game?

Arma 3, CS:GO

+1 for Dragon Age Inquisition.  Any Bethesda Game Studio or Valve Game.

Tomb Raider reboot. I just finished my third playthrough. There's nothing else like it on the PC. Hell, the only thing that comes close is a PS3 exclusive (Uncharted) and Tomb Raider is better.

  • Vampire: The Masquerade - Bloodlines
  • Deus Ex - Human Revolution or The Game of the Year Edition they are both good)
  • Killing Floor - is a good game to play with friends its a fun zombie survival game)
  • Speedrunners - Another Fun competitive racing game to play with friends, its has some similarities to Mario Kart in my personal opinion but i recommend it)
  • Mass Effect [All of them] - they are Sci-Fi RPGs that are good enough, to keep you entertained. its not "Amazing" like reviewers say it is but it's pretty good. and I thought they were pretty awesome with story.
  • The Witcher (ALL of them) - this the cream of the crop, when it comes to RPG's. Memorable Story, and Amazing Gameplay (Except the first one, i hated the fighting system with a devout passion in the first game) but the second game made up for that. also Amazing Graphics for an Old Game.

I just finished the new Wolfenstein.

Was very pleasantly surprised.

Hotline Miami. Just go play it... MIND BLOWING!

I'd recommend FC3 over FC4. Better story. 

How is Speedrunners now? I haven't played in over a year but back then it was a constant glitch fest causing me to not want to play till they got farther in development.

as far as rpgs from 2014

Wasteland 2

Shadowrun Dragonfall

I havent seen any good shooters in quite some time. Assetto corsa might be worth trying out if you want a race sim

and probably divinity original sin. maybe legend of grimlock 2 for some dungon crawling and puzzles.

Although Uncharted is a great game, I have to give the Naughty Dogs best award to The Last of Us..... Just the story telling alone is amazing, and when the first 5 minutes of the tutorial can almost bring you to tears...... Awesome!

Absolutely. FC3 was great, but I tried FC4 for a couple of hours and just felt bored. No doubt that FC4 looks nicer, but it's really nothing that impressive and the gameplay/story is lacking too much to save it.

Obviously he needs to play Ricochet!

+1 to that!

Transistor was pretty cool, though it's a bit short. Definitely pick it up if it's on sale, or even full price if you're really captivated by the idea. The art style and soundtrack blend together incredibly well, so it's actually quite a good escape from reality. The story is certainly interesting, though it requires a lot of reading and digging up little details about the past of the city to get the most out of it.

I've been playing a lot of Crusader Kings 2 with the Game of Thrones mod lately. The base game is already amazing, but having all the GoT flavour is super cool.

Interesting. I am actually finding Far Cry 4 story better then Far Cry 3. But I enjoyed the location more in Far Cry 3. Also Far Cry 4 runs way better then Far Cry 3 did for me and it looks way better too. I woulld say you cant really go wrong with either.