Games like diablo iii

Hi there again xD

My favorite type of games are like Diablo III(dont have money for dat, only play trial), already done torchlght I and II, phat of exile i think is a little boring, only get level ~20, and donnors and vantages, i like The incredible adventures of vanelsyng too. im opne this topic to ask, if u can post here games like dat. I like kings road too. xD

more information:

good graphics;

I like playing torchlight 2 modded out with the WoW paladin mod. Thats all I got, sorry.

Try Diablo 1 and 2 and maybe titans quest

Path of exile, made in new zealand. It is free and better than D3.

Hey if you look for similar games like Diablo III just check this out CLICK

Also, Dungeon Siege 3 is not bad. There's also Darksiders 2 which is pretty much a loot fest. And of course there's Dark Souls.

Diablo II, Torchlight 2, Titan Quest, the Dungeon Siege series, A TON of late 90's early 2000's PC games.

NoX is a classic under the radar Click n slash dungeon crawler which is available on GOG. Torchlight 1 and 2 also.


+1 for Nox. A great and funny game :D


Check Torchlight I and II , Path of Exile and (w8 for grim dawn from creators of Titan Quests), Darksiders 2 its different.