Games I like to see being made

I have seen games that are in development like mighty no.09 and wish to see more games from japan that are made for the pc. I miss games like xenogears and xenosaga. JRPG was a favorite of mine in the 90's and I liked the deep story they had and gameplay. I moved to PC gaming because I got tired of almost no titles being released in America. If there are any game developers that have grown up in that time and know me feelings on this I wish they make a game like the ones back then and it dos not have to say JRPG on the side of it.

I waited for 15 years to see games like that again and I am getting sick and tired of waiting.

I got tired of half finished games with big DLC bags you need to buy to enjoy the complete story behind it.
Just a few weeks ago, I went back to plaing ME1 just because I love deep complicated stories. If the "unfinished DLC-requierd fart of a game"- trend continous, I will switch over to reading books completly.

I don't know how many times I wanted to start a company to fill in a need for better games. This problem has been going on for years.

  1. lack of a deep story with a balance of game play.
  2. very little titles being released across multiple platforms.
  3. lack of good graphics ether do to lack of money or too much money gos to the company
  4. No detailed research into present or future request for things in the game.
  5. DLC that is not free
    6.Lack of customizing game play

If there is anything i missed please add it to the list.

Lol, I remember hearing about a square enix board meeting about game ideas. It went something like this;

Dude, we need to stop doing dlc and just do preorder as DLC..
Dude no, we need to do pre-order DLC with following DLC sold as "bug fixes"
And with every fix there'll be a new feature that breaks something... (feature was already thier we already were fixing it, it was just disabled..)

Game developer storms out in anger..
Chick says what's his problem?
Oh dont worry about it, he's one of those people who still give a dam about the comunity.

(all you hear is laughter for a few min..)

Alright, so we all agreed?
hell no
alright, glad everyone's on the same page.
Okay nice meeting everyone you know what to do! Go on now, get back to work! >:D