is using windows 10 really that much better?
im not talking about start screens or anything user friendly . I'm speaking from a strictly functional point of view, is it way better for gaming?
is using windows 10 really that much better?
im not talking about start screens or anything user friendly . I'm speaking from a strictly functional point of view, is it way better for gaming?
I'm still using windows 7 because of how horrid 10 was on my laptop
im using 8.1 and havent run into any problems yet.
only real difference i have noticed is with downloading visual C++ redistribution, downloading games for windows and console controller setup.
not much difference when I switched to 10 for games, but from a general quality of life perspective, Windows 10 is a big win.
You just might want to play with the powershell and in the settings to get rid of some of the bloat and get it how you like it. It doesn't take too long and it will make it a much better experience.
This would make a great Comparison video. 7 vs. 8.1 vs 9imean 10
all same software/versions/and hardware on the same ssd and benchmark a few titles.
maybe even 10 stock vs debloated 10 fps comparison
As much as i hate win 10 :( Yes , I find gaming on it better than 8.1 after nuking all the xbone crap that is :) But !!!! Still has nothing to with DX 12.
Windows 10 actually runs worse as the Kernel is very unoptimized and literally knee caps DX 11
10 > 8 , 7 > 10 .
But I feel 7 is just a bit outdated anymore. Was arguably the best OS yet fo sho
Windows 10 is a pain in the ass regarding updates. Gets stuck in a loop of unable to apply changes. Dafuq is this shit Microsoft. Apart from that, i'm used to the GUI. Made sure to apply classic shell for the start menu.
I'm using Windows 8.1 on my PC since I had bad experience with Windows 10 on a different computer. I used Never10 just so it doesn't automatically upgrade to Win 10 without my discretion.
Prove it :) My Amd rig is gaming better than it ever has. Part is driver improvements on amd's part but some of it is better utilization of my 8350 at the os level. My gaming experience across the board is a little better. Drivers and win 10 are a pain in butt :(
Windows 8.1 had a much newer kernel than win 7. Linus Media did a benchmark of the exact same rig with win7, and then win8.1
Win8.1 scored on average 10 FPS better on newer titles (DX11).
Win10 breaks as often as a glass hammer. Would not reccomend.
I in general don't like using windows, but if I have to I prefer xp or 8.1. 10 is a piece of shit.
Edit: AND 7 has god awful memory management. People say put windows 7 on older machines? FUCK YOU that machine only has 2 GB ram and 7 at idle uses 80% of it.
your not going to see a FPS difference if that's what youre getting at
unless you throw DX12 into the question
all these posts and I still have yet to have a single problem that wasn't caused by Nvidia drivers or overclocking, Win 10 has been pleasant for me
I ended up getting a PC infected with windows 10, going to try reinstalling win7 on it again without removing the old data
the forced update process from 7 bricked the machine and it's just stuck in a loop
Well drivers is a problem, but I've had it where the whole startup is gone, the desktop dies constantly, the whole networking stack has died permanently before....
No problems on 8.
I'm on 8.1 Enterprise so I never received the automatic upgrade. I enjoy windows 8.1, I'm good with 8.1, DisplayFusion and StarIsBack.
Just wait; doom will come to you eventually. Like it has to us.