This stuff is getting better and better. Intel pulling their ads. MSNBC shows the SJW's to the world and they look like Sadists. It's great. Like roaches to the light.
what about the shadow of modor?
Oh that pissed me off. The fact that the entire game was sold off for rigged reviews really was lame duck, but the fact that they did it ANYWAY means that the producing company is corrupted themselves. I for one don't classify as a gamer. I am a Tekie.
when ever something becomes a billion dollar business things like this will happen when deceiving the public becomes the business model. (government, microsoft, energy(Fracking), etc)
Who are you? and what have you done with the real anarekist ... a serious and insightful comment? really. lol
+1 Notice cred Haha! It's kind of weird to give away copies in exchange for only positive reviews on a game that isn't too bad to begin with.
I've been seeing #GamerGate everywhere but no one is explaining what it is.
I feel kind of bad for for having such a similar name. They've got a great service and I feel like this is going to impact them negatively.
In short people got pissed because gaming media called all of the gamers woman haters and that they should be ashamed for beaning part of gaming culture. All that over people calling out the-one-who-should-not-be-named for questionable behavior and suspicious connections. That shown how gaming media is self serving and corrupt, and is trying in any way (mostly underhanded) to shut down the movement. That is the short version, you can go on yt and watch some videos from Internet aristocrat if you want to know bot more.