Gamer Tips and Tricks

Post all your helpful hints for the community.

When on mmo's, or any online game for that matter, dont use your ghetto voice. Use your respectable english words. (Ofcourse im not flaming those just learning english. I respect anyone who can speak multiple languages period.) It really sucks when you are in the middle of a cap on 2fort in tf2, and all of a sudden you hear "Yo wuz Krackalackin muh 1337 homies" and then come to find out he picked demo because its a black charector. You're not HOOD, you are an average white boy who wants to fit in by pretending to be someone else. So use youre big boy words, and help cap the friggin' intel.

rant = over.


lol! XD

if you play wow or other rpg's or mmo's get a g11 or g15 keyboard, the macros come in really handy.

also bannable. so yea.. theres my warning. but bla im FPS and RTS only

Training your hand and eyes to play on 2000DPI will come in handy once you master it.

if you have a stinger use me.

the 3200dpi gets kind of annoying unless you are really used to it, or are sniping. (really helps in tf2)


use one button on your mouse for auto-fire...(repetitive fire).

Don't die.

But really, instead of just playing and being bad, try to learn. spectate the pros, then do what they do.

Allways do this when you kill someone.


Playing a fps?

Whenever you confront an enemy NEVER stand still, you might if you are sniping but only for a split second. Make yourself a hard target by staying on the move, speed-crouching, strafing, just any sort of moves that would be unexpected and would work to your advantage.

Tips to be the top-player of the server?

Learn your maps before playing on live servers, just create a server in the game you play and run around it with no one to fight. Learn the maps by heart and get yourself some good spots to get kills on.

i.e. Practice your aim and movement by studying a certain path in a map and just run through it whilst having assigned spots to shoot at on your way. Once you get the route set up and a weapon picked that you like, start running through the "course" and fire at the targets you have assigned. Do this as fast as you can, not forgetting to train your nading(throwing grenades idd[indeed] -.-') along the way. Also find yourself a nice sensitivity to play with, playing with the wrong sensitivity may cause you to miss your target rather often. Hold on to the same sensitivity all the time and it will become your second nature.

Keep on practicing. Masters are forged out of newbies.

Just some advice, nothing big but hope that it helps someone :)

Carebox, okue91 on youtube.

nice hint carebox! you speak the truth!

its funyn how me noobs on lets say tf2 will justeither camp and try their damndist to get klls, or in the middle of a gun fight, stop nd shoot some stickes at the perosn RIGHT IN FRONT OF THEM. XD

If you have a mic, try to sound french and say peoples names all over again. It distracts them.

Thanks for the compliment Blooddrunk1029!

Do not forget to practice your knifing/melee and pistol skills ;)

Switching between weapons in a hands-down situation is always faster than attempting to reload your main weapon.



In games like TF2 Think as if your the other person [Tactically]

I mean, I got snipes without ever being found hiding down in the pool in 2fort and migrating, using my knifejabbermakachetiething whenever someone got too close.. Sorta like..Put yourself in their shoes? (Watch out for the gkfsgf... I still get angry at those snipers who headshot everyone "Magically" with random names like 'gfjhgf')...And when your sniping whack your friends with the knifechetie thing in Tf2...Spies can be convincing.

Well sometimes I go insane on an engineer, build a warp from our Intel to theirs, and my friends another engineer builds one from theirs to ours, and we build sentries in front of each..But thats when we're sick of losing. <-- Not helpful but I wanted to throw it out there.

as father grigori said, aim for the head.