GameJam perhaps?

How about having a Level1Techs game jam? Y’know, making a game in a short amount of time, say 24-48 hours, with a theme or limiting factors? Probably would only feature this community, but we can expand it or something. Just a suggestion. Brainstorm below if you want. :nerd_face:

  • yes
  • pls no

0 voters

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L1T themed candy ass candy eater

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The game must include PhysX and GameWorks stuff or I am out.

I like the idea. There’s enough programmers around.
If you need anything from the mods to help let us know.

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September 06 '17:
Moving forward, I would prefer to make decisions with community input. Next Poll = Jam duration. I.E. the length of time for game+content development. Typical jams will only allow/strongly encourage that all content (graphics,code,audio,etc) be created withing the time limit. If this is not favorable, please be heard.
Select up to 4:

  • 1 hour
  • 2 - 4 hours
  • 10-12 hours
  • 1 day (24hr)
  • 2 - 3 days
  • 1 week
  • 2 weeks
  • 1 month
  • 2 months
  • 3 months
  • 6 months
  • 1 year
  • Other (please specify in a comment)

0 voters

Thanks anyone who votes :man_technologist::woman_technologist:

P.S. I am strongly leaning towards all tools being available for use, meaning pre-made engines like Unity, GameMaker ClickTeam Fusion, Pico, UE4, etc. If you would prefer more limits on engines/tools, let us know down below.

In this community it should better be linux compatible.

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