i have made a build for a friend i don't know a lot of this proccesor and can't find a lot info about it ?
and is the psu enough for this build ?
any other good alternative for any of the parts?
this build is a round € 400 that is almost 1=1 whit the dollar because of the taxes in mine country.
that's not even compatable
Think this will be a good build.
board is socket fm2 for apus, cpu is socket am3
you would need a socket am3 or am3+ motherboard
o sorry strange on that site it stood that it the porccesor was FM 2 but i will look forn in to it and thanks
Some Athlons fit FM2, according to other websites.
i just saw 4 other site and they also said that
Here's a build I put together thats at a similar price point. Take a look at it.
well that's odd, why the hell would they name it after the old line? that's just retarded
anyways what you put together looks perfectly good then
I hope thay make some new phenom's a phenom 3 sounds nice to me :D no idea why thay made them i am gessing there failed APU's