Game Codes for trade

Have these. Wondering if anyone could offer anything for them.


Origin Keys

- Dead Space 1 and 3, Burnout Paradise Ultimate Box, Crysis 2 Max Edition, Medal of Honor, Mirror's Edge, Populous, Sims 3 and C&C:Red Alert 3


Steam Keys

- Burnout Paradise Ultimate Box, Medal of Honor, C&C:Red Alert 3, Titan Quest and Warhammer 40000

Bundle (1 Key) - Darksiders, Red Faction: Armageddon & DLC, Metro 2033, Company of Heroes, Company of Heroes: Opposing Fronts, and Company of Heroes: Tales of Valor

I would exange that metro 2033 for my code of Batman arkham city.

Have you got anything else to trade, some the metro is bundled with several games?


Sorry but I don't have any more game codes :S Good luck  :)