GA-990FX-UD3 Problems... (help?)

I got this a few days ago. Open box deal from newegg. Maybe these are the reasons it was returned. Maybe the company will replace it, instead of me sending it back to newegg.

First problem is that I'm not being able to read my core temps in windows programs... None. Speedfan doesn't let me, HWMonitor doesn't let me, and even coretemp doesnt. HWmonitor and coretemp are both giving me some sort of vague "package" (socket?) reading which is terribly off from what the bios is telling me. I have read a little bit about people having these problems before as I googled it, but couldn't really seem to find any fixes. Has anyone else had this problem?

The front USB 3.0 also doesn't want to work... I'm guessing this may be the actual reason it was returned to newegg. The back usb 3.0 are working, though, and that makes me think the fault here is the header on the board (confident that it is not the case, as my previous board had a 3.0 header and the port worked fine.

Aside from that, I'm pretty happy with the board. Had a little trouble with flashing the bios, but that has more to do with the fact that I'm an idiot. But if anyone can help me with those two problems, I'd be very grateful, as I especially need to monitor my core temps, since I made my own water cooling and I'm still tweaking it.

What do you guys think?

AMD CPUs do not give you the core temp so that is normal and I think there is an option to enable and disable the from USB 3.0 in the BIOS.
