G400, Deathadder, or Zowie AM

Logan, I'm pretty sure you have used all 3 of these mice and I want to know which one you think is the best for fps gaming and why? I have use a mouse besides my hp one. And I'm looking for a mouse with no prediction, acceleration or other retarded things people put in them for some ungodly reason. I also don't like wasting money, and I know all these mice don't have prediction or acceleration and I can aim amazingly with my 5$ hp mouse ? Up for anyone feedback of why to make the switch. My hp mouse has no acceleration or prediction. 

You were looking for a cheap mouse before... and now you narrowed it down to these? I personally wouldnt get any of these for the money.

These are the mice you should consider in this price range:

logitech G500 ($52) - dual mode mouse wheel, higher DPI, overall better than the g400 and same price, Logitech software is the best for turning off the acceleration and adjust sensitivity.

Logitech g600 ($58) - same as above but lots of buttons.

Corsair vengeance m65 ($50) - higher DPI, excellent quality

SteelSeries Sensei Raw ($60) - Excellent built quality and components, high DPI sensitivity.

Gigabyte M6980X - cheaper ($40), good quality and features.

Zalman GM1 ($30) - similar to the gigabyte, slightly different design.

SteelSeries Black ops II Edition ($40) (Sensei Raw) - Excellent built quality and components, high DPI sensitivity.

All of these have thumb buttons. I got the prices from www.pcpartpicker.com

A lot of the mouse acceleration and etc you are talking about is settings in windows, the mouse software, and the game itself. All of these should serve you well.

Wanted a cheap mouse because I thought I could find one that felt nice and looked nice which the e blue cobra series does very nice, but they have prediction and mice can have hardware acceleration as well -_- So from there I realized I was going to have to spent around 30$ more just have find a mouse with all the stupid shit turned off and if I'm spending around 50$ on a mouse why not go up to 60$ for "god tier" 

For FPS I highly reccomend the M65. I used the M60 for a while and now just got the M65. Both are phenomeal mice and easily worth your money. The sniper button that lowers dpi is a fantastic feature great for FPS games. The build quality is great and Corsair is a great brand that I will continue to buy from.