FYI the pre order bonus content in mankind divided IS SINGLE USE ONLY

in the latest in high tech SKUMBAG shit.

the pre order bonus content in mankind divided IS SINGLE USE ONLY

So the best way is to make a save as soon as the game allows you to, then claim them, then start every subsequent playthrough from that save and not from "new game"

they want you to re buy this shit each play-though

the pre-orderable Covert Agent Pack, as it was first known, grants players access to specific weapons, outfits, and upgrades. These items, located in your in-game storage space, are transferable to your inventory however before now there was no indication that this is a one-time transaction.

Square Enix has since renamed the pack the Augmented Covert Agent Consumables Pack, which ostensibly means if you redeemed the consumables via your first save they re gone for good. Expectedly, this has upset many players who opted in without this prior knowledge, prompting Eidos Montreal s community manager to step in with this explanation:

Consumables (Praxis Kits, Ammo, Credits, Crafting Parts) are one-time use items. They will be in the storage section of your inventory, until you decide to add them to it. Once you do, they will be consumed in your current playthrough, and not re-usable. Consumables work the way they do due to first party constraints.

Durables (Weapons, Skins, Augmentations) are not one-time use. They will automatically be available in all of your playthroughs, once you have downloaded and installed them.

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lol.. I heard people complaining the FPS on PC is horrible. Damn another direct console port? Graphics looks like it's from the older version with directx 9 graphics.


AAA games are now lower than traditional console level, sadly they have moved into the mobile app arena, it is a sign of how big companies look to market demand. Good graphics, pay to win, pay to use and now pay as you go.. its a sodding phone contract.

graphically its pretty fuckin good

fps gets MURDERED if you enable MSAA tho
and this game EATS RAM LIKE CANDY
1080p mainly all max settings (no msaa)
and its sucking down 6620MB V-Ram

FXAA is enough (should be enough I migh add)

This is horrible!
Why do people keep buying into this kind of shit?
Is brain really that expensive today?


People paying for in game items on a single player game blows my mind. If those people want to degrade their gaming experience why don't they go out and spend nothing on a trainer from mrantifun for example. Adam Jensen sheds a tear at the insanity, smdh.

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You really think they're not going to "patch" that later on?

Not all of us buy games like this. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


will the pre order content be in the goty edition or am i going to have to pirate this shit when someone cracks the denuvo anti piracy software?

HOLD THE FUCK UP! you're telling me they have IN SINGLE PLAYER GAME MICRO TRANSACTIONS? THE FUCK! this used to be called cheats which were free. fuck edios montreal, i am not buying this game.

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for cheats you used to buy a cheatbook in the good old days before internet -.-'

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lol whut?
id just walk down to my local blockbuster and tear out the page that i needed from their book

Or the old Sierra adventure games that would kill you in unpredictable ways then give you the number you could call to order the guide book

sheeeet you remember nintendo power hotline ?

OMG, That expensive joke. Yeah i know those existed for games too yeah, but those i never used.

Yeah video games did that a lot in the old days. It's like they where never really that noble if you say it that way :p

Technilcally you could download the crack version and use the DLC as much as you like, since you own a copy.

They probably didn't get very good funding for the PC port tbh and thats why they did this. Last year they said they were only going to do microtransactions if they got in money trouble.

I have faith in Eidos Montreal. Its where all the talent of Eidos went.