Fx8350 + 7970=Goodtimes?

Is a fx8350 and a 7970 a goo pair?


Yes it is! I have these two paired up and can run any game on ultra, great FPS.


Well let's see.  AMD's highest end CPU coupled with AMD's highest end single GPU... no... i'm pretty sure it will suck at both gaming and basic computing.  Do your self a favor and get a Intel G630 and a Nvidia Geforce GTX 650 (non-ti, it's much better).  This combo will blow the 8350+7970 out of the water! YOLO! FTW! 

Be sure to put on a custom waterloop man! Else all the gigaflops will just be converted to heat and you'll miss those 7 frames!

Sorry guys, this is my first build.

no need to apologies and yes, this will be a really go combination for gaming.

Yeah, I'm sorry.  I am a douche and couldn't help myself!  It will be an amazing rig and will decimate everything that you throw at it. If you want more feedback post your full build list and we'll have a looksie.


I would like to see proof on that

lol i think he was joking but in a seriouse kind of way