FX-9590 990FX Killer

Looking for a new funky secondary build. 990FX Fatality Killer from asrock looks pretty awesome. The only thing wondering me is the cpu compatibility. I want to jump to 9590 but at their website this cpu is not listed =.=
Is there anyone can confirm this for me?

Well basicly it is compatible, but the board it self can run into thermal issues. The board is a very nice board at its price point, with some very nice feutures towards gamers, but its not a board for overclockers, to be honnest. This board has thermal issues wenn you try to overclock a FX8350 passed 4.5ghz, the vrm´s and chokes running hot, and this causes voltage drops, and cpu throttle, since, there is no LLC option in the bios, to correct those voltage drops, the cpu, will get throttled. Since the FX9590 is an factory overclocked 4.7GHZ FX8350, it could be that you run into overheating and stabillity issues aswell. Thats something to be aware of.

The killer, is a very nice feutured board for a good price, it has feutures like the new alc1150 audio chip, m-2 sata, but, the power delivery components kinda suck, for overclocking.

  1. Asus crosshair V Formula Z
  2. Asrock 990FX extreme 9
  3. Asus Sabertooth 990FX R2.0.

These boards would be a better choice. But yeah they are a bit more expensive.

You could offcourse cheap out on your cpu, by grabbing a FX9370 or FX8350, basicly all these cpu´s are the same, and spend the money you saving, into one of those boards above. offcourse the Asus crosshair V formula Z is the top of the line.

MisA dropping mad knowledge