Hello! If you have not heard already the FX 9370 as well as the FX 9590 is out. I have only seen it for sale in Newegg's store at this point in time. So, enough with the intro and lets start talking about the new CPUs. Starting with the FX 9370 which is cheaper than the famous 5ghz 9590 by $550 , and yes the FX 9590 is $899 so do you think it's worth it? At this time the product has just launched I would wait until we see how the CPU performs and if it can possibly challenge a 3770k or 4770k . Below will be a few links with the product and some info on the CPUs.
Peace to you all.
http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16819113347 - FX 9590
http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16819113346 - FX 9370
http://wccftech.com/amd-invincible-worlds-5-ghz-clocked-fx-9000-series-piledriver-processors/ - Contains some nice information on the minimum requirements for cooling such as the Corsair H80i.
Lmao! I know I thought the same thing but it's the minimum requirement
Nope not worth it at all you can have triple AMD opterons or a intel extreme or dual xenon's for that
I think I'll stick with my 3570k that I got from ebay for $150. For $900, I could revamp my entire system, which I''ll probably do in September. Either AMD knows something we don't, or they have gone nuckin' futs.
Anywho, I'm looking forward to seeing some benchmark results.
My official response to this: lolwut?
Wow, This CPU is a joke. They didn't even put proper time into the design of the packaging.
People, its just filler for people with too much money to spend, just like people who get suckerd into buying the 3960x for no other reason than they just want the most expensive parts.
It's been known for a while now that 3960x CPUs are just upclocked lazered 8 core xeon processors with only 6 cores that didn't make the cut for being 8 core xeon commercial processors.
ah excitement! ah excitement! ah excitement! /s
Is you have $900 to throw down on a CPU, please. Don't ever get the FX-9590. The bench marks show that Intel's $550 i7-3930k absolutely spanks the $350 extra 9590, and even the much more expensive i7 extreme parts offer better value than the 9590. The Intel parts also consume waaaay less power than the 9590, as the much better performing i7-3970x draws 150W out of the wall at maximum load. And in order to handle the massive heat, you'll need a absolutely massive water cooling rig, as the 9590 will savagely rape any air cooler out there. In short, the 9590 is essentially a very heavily over clocked 8350. So go with logic and get a more reasonably priced Intel.
P.S. I made this at meme center yesterday and shared my twitter (@theunlockedcore)
I would never purchase this at that price, or TDP. I would need something like a h100i to cool that thing....or a V8 GTS (it says it can handle TDP loads up to 260 Watts, which I doubt). I want a CPU, not a heater.
I wish AMD would take their head out of their ass and fix their processors rather than just pushing more clock speeds.
However, if this was more around the price range of 250 to 350, It might be considerable. That's just my opinion, though.
A good athlon 3800+ used to be 500$. An Fx-51 used to be 1000$, this is the same thing, nothing new, absolutely nothing new, except that if prices would go down as they should, since the litography is smaller, then they would compete with intel's old prices (high), and so it will be good old competition all over again.
This is obviously an enthusiast part few people can afford or are willing to buy. Same with intel extreme edition.
It's not an unreasonable TDP, at all. You get worse results trying to overclock an FX 8350 to 5ghz, or an i7 for that matter, desktop Haswells have immensly high synthetic test load temps, worse than a freaking Prescott chip.
maybe amd just thought it'd be pretty sweet to make $700 a pop on idiots
im happy with my FX8350 ☺
Yea, when the 8350 came out i couldn't justify upgrading from my 8120 and i still can't with these.
I really hope steamroller is worth the wait, if it's not i will purchase my very first intel cpu as my very first cpu was the athlon 3700 and i've gone with amd ever since.
ye we will see i hope stream roller will come, maybe amd can do some very nice things with theire 990FX chipset, i hope they will intergrade pci-e 3.0 standard. and i also hope that there will be more new mobo´s come out, to give us more choices. because thats a bit poor atm.
ummm, isnt $800 for the cpu and a large bundle of other things, like say a video card and motherboard, power supply and h80
at least it is for the other 9000 series cpu