
I'm making a build using the 8350 and I'm wondering if the stock fan is reliable and powerful enough.

I'm not planning on overclocking.

Any advice?

It can get pretty loud. I have seen on other forums where there are some other issues, but I woudldn't expect to have them. In any case I'd just cough up $25-$30 and get an NZXT Respire T20 or a Cooler Master Hyper 212 EVO. they are some good fans and they will give you the ability to overclock later if you ever desire it.
Before you go off and just take my advice (if you agree with me) wait a little while and see if someone else can add to what I've noted. 

Thanks! If I overclock my CPU I expect it will likely be later closer to when I'll need to buy a new one.

The stock fan is sufficiant if you don't want to OC. The highest temps I've seen are around 55c under load with the stock cooler, but as previously stated, it is kinda loud (though not enough to bother me). Up to you if you want to spend the extra $30 for a Hyper 212 or something.

I'm planning on upgrading with a high end water cooler in the future (to OC) as opposed to upgrading to a whole new CPU. I've heard of people getting up to 5.0 Ghz with the FX-8350. 

ROG starts 2013 with a new world record for the fastest ever x86-based CPU frequency at 8.79GHz. Master overclocker Andre Yang took an AMD FX-8350 CPU and ROG Crosshair V Formula-Z motherboard to the new extreme, using 2.064V and liquid nitrogen to chill


The CPU-Z validation shot below is confirmation of the new record

8350 at that speed leaves the fastest OCed i7 in the dust

^^^True story, but I don't think any of us are going that far with our systems lol

I'm hoping I can get a 5Ghz with an H100i or something like that.

Im gonna try for 5, but I dont think an 8350 and a 670oc will go well with a 659watt if I try and oc the cpu any more


lol Yeah you might have to bumb up to a 750 watt.

I have a FX 8120 OC'd to 3.7 , and it is abused 18 hrs a day. I left the stock cooler in the can..and started with a XSPC RASA 750 , which has since been traded in for a bigger pump and rez . If you can afford the extra money go with a AIO watercooler or a custom loop.I have not seen my cpu temps get above 47c.Even in the humid summers.

8350 ftw

I dont like ln speed scores

Dont get me wrong, they are awe inspiring but they are hardly achievable by the masses.

I like the way logan & crew roll when it comes to the hardware test that they did with the 8350 vs i5/i7, they chose the speed that pretty much anyone could achieve on the amd and intel processors and that is how they should do it.

p.s stock cooler sucks, noisey as hell

I replaced with h80i (my first experience of water cooling) and bye bye noise