Hey guys,
I'm a on a pretty tight budget for my current build and was planning to buy an FX-8320 plus Hyper 212 EVO and do some overclocking.
The only problem is that the best priced store in my city (I'm in Australia, so all of the good online stores in the US are a waste of time for me) only has FX-8350s in stock at the moment. The FX-8350s come in at about the same price as the FX-8320 plus the 212 EVO.
I am not all that keen on using stock coolers, and I have one of the old Coolermaster TX3s gathering dust on my old Phenom II rig (by old I mean one of the ones that had heat pipes that hadn't been totally smoothed down at the contact plate).
Would it be better than the stock FX-8350 cooler?
Thanks guys.
I think the cooler TX3 might be slightly better, I have never compared the two but what I've learned from other users is that the stock cooler for 8350 is okay if somewhat noisy.
But if you can purchase a CPU without anny cooler unit and save a buck then I'd go for that. Personally I always reckon'd that AMD processors love watercooling above all ell's but that is expensive unless you can find a used part for sale.
i runn the FX8350 on the stock cooler.
with turbo on auto my cpu runs at 4.2 ghz. idle about 21 degrees Hw monitor. bios says 27/31 degrees.
Wenn i gonne game, or runn prime95 then the cooler gets realy noisie, but it still keeps my cpu at max 45 degrees.hw monitor. the bios seems to sow a bit warmer somethimes, but never saw a temperature over 50 degrees.
so to me that isnt bad. my old pentium 4 3.4 HT runns idle at 45 degrees, with stock cooler.
i allways use central heating in my bed room, cause im allways a bit cold :P.
but maybe someday i will buy a coolermaster GT V6.