FX 8350 or FX 8320?

I have saved up all the money for m first build (yay XD). However it seems impossible to get an 8350 from any of my local stores. However one still sells the 8320. The 8350 from the same store when stocked is $235 while the 8320 is only $185. I have heard that they are essentially the same CPU (with the 8350 having a higher stock clock speed). So if I use the extra money to buy a good air cooler and OC the 8320 to say 4.5 GHz (the 8350 turbo clock) will the performance match or exceed a stock 8350? Will it decrease the life of the CPU? Or am I better off getting an i5 and a cheap z87 motherboard instead?

P.S: I will primarily be using my computer for  gaming and some Video editing and rendering, (After FX, Premiere Pro etc.)

if you are on a budget get the 8320 I would say and save a little money and put that to your graphics card or get the cpu cooler and OC some as long as you dont push a ton of voltage through it you wont have to worry about shortening the life of the cpu.

I would get the 8320 so long as the board you choose has good VRMs. With a good board and cooling you shouldn't have any problems hitting 4.5 GHz or higher with an 8320.

Would you consider 1.425 volts too much?

Thanks, I found the Asus M5A99FX PRO R2, should that be able to handle decent overclocks? 

That's the exact motherboard I would recommend.  You'll easily be able to hit 4.0GHz on that board, probably 4.5GHz.

Save yourself some money and get the 8320. I've got my 8320 running at 4.4ghz on a 970 chipset motherboard. I hit 4.0ghz without having to change the voltage. From what I've read though, the 8350 does slightly outperform the 8320 and it can also reach higher overclocks.

wrong place to post this, this is where you should: https://teksyndicate.com/forum/cpu