Fx-8350 Bottleneck

Hi so for my upcoming build i am looking at sli gtx 770's or 760's (Nvidia fan lol) and i'm wondering if an Fx-8350 is good in an sli system. Any advise is appreciated thanks. :) 

No the FX-8350 won't bottleneck them. It doesn't seem to scale as well as a 3770k in some games but it does a good job. 

That being said, I used SLI for a while and it was too much of a pain in the ass. Sold the cards and bought a GTX 780. 

I recommend that you get a i5 3570k or a i5 4770k.

My mobo is actually gifted from my uncle who is scraping it and going intel so i am stuck with AMD

I wouldn't necessarily say "stuck with AMD." The 8350 beats the i5 most of the time, especially in games optimized to use more cores. The 8350 is a better option, especially in SLI. (Going off of personal experience.)

What motherboard do you have?

My uncle has not brought it over yet but i think its either this one http://pcpartpicker.com/part/gigabyte-motherboard-ga990fxaud5 or this one http://pcpartpicker.com/part/gigabyte-motherboard-ga990fxaud3 and ya i shouldn't say stuck with amd because 8 cores will come in handy for possible rendering and 3D work. He said the mobo is a high end gigabyte but didn't say which one.

I am barely getting bottle neck on my 2x7950s on a [email protected]. But which mobo are you getting they do not all SLI. 

8350 can only get better with future software like Mantle :D

I know for certain that it is a SLI ready gigabyte but my uncles bringing it to me in the next week.

Then a FX8350 will do nicely.