FX-8350 Best Performance For The Price

I am building this PC for general computer use, gaming, and some video rendering. My main goal of this post is to see if I am getting the largest performance possible for the money I am spending.

Processor: I originally wanted a i5-3570K or a FX-6300, but thought the best value for what I needed would lie in the FX-8350. I will also get a $20 rebate card from Newegg with this processor. I plan on overclocking.

CPU Cooler: This seems to be one of the most recommended coolers. I know I can get better performance from more expensive coolers, but I do not know if it’s worth the extra money.

Motherboard: It was one of the most popular choices on newegg and seems to be liked on other sites too. I honestly do not know if I could get similar performance and features from another board, however. It also comes with a $20 combo discount with the 8350. 

Video Card: I am conflicted with this pick. Tom’s Hardware rated the 7870 Tahiti cards as one of the best performance and value but the one I really want, Sapphire Radeon HD 7870 XT, is out of stock. The PowerColor one is available at newegg and seems to run as well as a stock HD 7950, but some reviews say it runs hot and loud. I’m not sure if I should stick with this one or pay $50 more for a 7950 that might run cooler, quieter, and can be overclocked to greater speeds.

Memory: I saw this in another person’s build and it seemed like a good value, especially with the price I can get it for on Amazon.

Storage: I purchased my SSD on sale for what I thought was a good price a month or two ago and have it in my current computer. I will transfer this to my new build. I want the 3 TB drive to store my large video/file collection. I already back everything up on an external 3 TB drive that is attached to my router.

Power Supply: I have heard horror stories about buying a cheap power supply so I wanted to go with a good brand. I think this is the proper wattage for my build based on what PCPartPicker suggests, but I don’t know how much overclocking adds to the mix.

Case: I really liked the looks, cable management possibilities, and reviews of the Corsair C70. I got it on sale a few weeks back and it has just been sitting at my desk, begging me to be put to use.

DVD Drive, Mouse, Keyboard, Speakers: I already use these on my current PC and will transfer them to the new build.


[url=http://pcpartpicker.com/p/LWG7]PCPartPicker part list[/url] / [url=http://pcpartpicker.com/p/LWG7/by_merchant/]Price breakdown by merchant[/url] / [url=http://pcpartpicker.com/p/LWG7/benchmarks/]Benchmarks[/url] [b]CPU:[/b] [url=http://pcpartpicker.com/part/amd-cpu-fd8350frhkbox]AMD FX-8350 4.0GHz 8-Core Processor[/url] ($179.99 @ Newegg)

[b]CPU Cooler:[/b] [url=http://pcpartpicker.com/part/cooler-master-cpu-cooler-rr212e20pkr1]Cooler Master Hyper 212 EVO 82.9 CFM Sleeve Bearing CPU Cooler[/url] ($32.99 @ Amazon)

[b]Motherboard:[/b] [url=http://pcpartpicker.com/part/gigabyte-motherboard-ga990fxaud3]Gigabyte GA-990FXA-UD3 ATX AM3+ Motherboard[/url] ($133.98 @ SuperBiiz)

[b]Memory:[/b] [url=http://pcpartpicker.com/part/kingston-memory-khx1600c9d3x2k28gx]Kingston HyperX Grey 8GB (2 x 4GB) DDR3-1600 Memory[/url] ($45.98 @ Amazon)

[b]Storage:[/b] [url=http://pcpartpicker.com/part/seagate-internal-hard-drive-st3000dm001]Seagate Barracuda 3TB 3.5" 7200RPM Internal Hard Drive[/url] ($129.99 @ NCIX US)

[b]Video Card:[/b] [url=http://pcpartpicker.com/part/powercolor-video-card-ax78702gbd52dhppv3e]PowerColor Radeon HD 7870 XT 2GB Video Card[/url] ($244.98 @ SuperBiiz)

[b]Power Supply:[/b] [url=http://pcpartpicker.com/part/corsair-power-supply-cx600]Corsair Builder 600W 80 PLUS Bronze Certified ATX12V Power Supply[/url] ($59.99 @ Newegg)

[b]Other:[/b] Corsair C70 Arctic White (White/Black) ATX Mid Tower Case (Tiger Direct) ($86.00)

[b]Other:[/b] Kingston SSDNow V300 Series 240GB 2.5" Solid State Disk (Staples) ($152.64)

[b]Other:[/b] Logitech G400 Wired Optical Mouse (Amazon) ($22.00)

[b]Other:[/b] Microsoft Wireless Keyboard (from my old system) ($0.00)

[b]Other:[/b] DVD Drive (from my old system) ($0.00)

[b]Other:[/b] Logitech X-230 32 Watts 2.1 Black Speakers (from my old system) ($0.00)

[b]Other:[/b] Microsoft Windows 8 Upgrade (64-bit) (upgrade sale) ($15.00)

[b]Total:[/b] $1103.54 




depending n the rest of the build, but wenn you gonne look just to a cpu, then yes it is ☻

Sorry, I screwed up the formatting. I will change it.

I also apologize for the essay.

Definately the top performer in multi threaded applications, and it can run single threaded applications fairly well (not as good as an i5), i don't know what your workload is. The 8350 is not the best value processor out right now, the 6300 is.

That cooler is a good stock replacement, and you can overclock moderately on it.

Grab the sapphire version of the 7870XT, the cooler is way better. i got my 7950 for $260, but i snagged it on ebay unopeded (you may not want to risk it).

The motherboard is basically the best in the price range, it's got an OC capable powerphase and suitable features.

Ram is ram.

Only thing i would do is look for a modular power supply since that case while spacious will have its airflow limited by the cable dump, and since i personally despise "rugged" chassis i'd grab an r4 or something else that's got the sexy monolith look.

I'd take advantage of these





those NZXT cases are realy awesome, to bad they dont sell those models in netherlands :(