Alright so I have an AMD FX-8320 CPU. The motherboard being a Gigabyte FXA990-UD3 Rev 4. I'm more or less a beginner at this but for Overclocking I have managed to get to 4.5GHz stable at 1.3v.
Now what I want to do is try to get to at least 5.0GHz but I haven't had success yet and was wondering what I could be missing?
What I have done so far is tried 1.35v with the Multiplier at x25 but I end up having to Clear the CMOS since the BIOS doesn't POST due to the settings. I have the LLC at Medium currently but I'm not sure if it's a Voltage issue or if it's that my CPU just wasn't developed to hit 5.0GHz like some.
As for the temps They idle at 20c and under a full 100% load they are at 35c. When I'm in Vindictus (since that's literally all I have played for 4 years) the temps are at 30c. My Liquid Cooler is the DEEPCOOL Gamer Storm CAPTAIN 240.
I can't seem to find anything about anyone being able to overclock it past 4.5 GHz stable. There's also a great deal that goes into what's called the 'silicon lottery', which is just your specific chip's ability to overclock, some do better than others of even the same model.
When I first read it, I thought your temps seemed a little low though, for any chip above 1.3v at 100% load, even with a 240mm cooler, and I did discover that the FX thermal diode is garbage for reading anything below 40C, and completely useless in some chips altogether. So you may not be getting an accurate reading.
1.5 v is about the maximum safe voltage for the FX series chips, so try increasing your volts up to that until you can get a bit closer to 5 ghz.
That being said, most 8320s can't hit 5 ghz. Mine hits 4.7 stably but can't go over that no matter the voltage. Some people's can barely get above 4. The silicon lottery is real and sometimes your chip just can't do something.
Ah I see. Then I'll stick with 4.5GHz. It does help with 95% of the raids I host since the game is pure peer to peer for the dungeons/raids. I wanted to see if I can fix the last 2 raids I had the issue with but at this point I'll leave that to DevCAT to fix....after they actually develop a not so garbage excuse of a Multi-Process feature XD
Yeah getting an 8320 to 5.0Ghz is difficult. The 8350 used to be able to hit that reliably (mine can hit 5.1) but since they made the 9590 they binned the better parts for those CPUs. Making all the 8350s and 8320s not OC as well.
Something like 1.48V would become more close. Most 5.0 GHz overclocks that i have seen sofar where all arround 1.5V. with some damm good close loop coolings. And decent mobo´s like Asus crosshair V Formula Z, Asrock EXtreme 9 or Sabertooth
I also think that you wont reach 5.0 ghz with just a multiplier overclock. I think you should focus on Northbridge overclocking.
Higest speeds that i have managed to get out of my FX8350 was:
4.5GHz with just multiplier overclock
4.82Ghz with northbridge overclock. @ 1.45V
This video from Jay is a nice guide to get started into Northbridge overclocking.
You crank up your CPU multiplier as high as you can and then bump the NB up bit by bit to get anything extra, but NB tweaks also affect RAM so you may have to underclock the ram first to get things stable. NB overclocks in my experience also tend to be more unstable than straight CPU multiplier OCs because it affects multiple parts in your PC instead of just the CPU.
Interesting. Really I plan to keep my 4.5GHz but I am finding it unstable and I do get Bluescreens (Windows 10 really but yeah) if I do OC. I may need to bump my Voltage to better fit my 4.5GHz.
That is a bit sub-par. You will need to raise the voltage a bit to get past that wall. Another option may be to increase the FSB, adjust your voltage on the NB by 0.01v if the option is available, and see if that pushes it past the 4.6GHz wall.
Keep in mind Vishera can handle an exceptional amount of voltage and will be safe 24/7 at up to 1.55v. I've heard of chips that will stay at 1.6+ but I never pushed mine that high. All in all, this is what a 5.0GHz+ 8350 normally looks like:
Push the VCore to 1.45v and see if it sticks. If you want you can adjust the FSB to 205 to see a small gain in OC. No other modification should even be needed to see some stability.
Thanks alot guys. Seeing that video and reading all these suggestions I'm seeing there is more than simply overclocking the Multiplier, and voltage. Though I do feel like my board may be lacking in the pure quality overclocking environment (probably the normal feeling a rookie will have) so I'll probably shell out some money in a few days for an ASUS Formula Crosshair V and probably a 9590 if I really feel like it. But definitely the ASUS board.
8320 can handle up to 1.45 v core for several years, it'll last with a 1.45 vcore until it's so far behind from technology you'll want it to die. anyways, people say that board is just a low end 990fx board it gets to hot yada yada. It's a bullet proof board. From the sound of what vcore you have on it now you should get 4.7 maybe 4.8 with a 1.45, this is purely speculation and should be tested of course.
Haha alright. Yeah this board should be able to handle it since I placed a case fan in a spot underneath the socket itself so that helps with the cooling. I'll test this once I get home. The 1.45V should fix my bluescreen issues.