FX-6300 with 7970 or FX-8320 with 7950?

This would be mainly for gaming. Maybe a little editing but nothing anything serious. I just don't know if I should go with the lesser cpu for the better gpu. I do plan on overclocking but not for a little later, the CPU that is. I know that the 7970 combo is more expensive but it's only $30 more from where I would get it so cost isn't a factor. But which one would get me better FPS in gaming straight up?

I have to oc my 6300 with my 7950 or it holds it back a little but its pretty easy to overclock the 6300. 

for gaming you'll get better results with the 6300 + 7970

but personally i'd reccomend the 8320 + 7950, the 8320 is (depending on what you're doing) significantly more powerful (~33% better ish), the 7970 on the other hand is past the point of dimminishing returns and might only get a few more fps than it's much cheaper counterpart (9% better ish i remember hearing, could be wrong, decent chance)

edit: there's also the fact that cpus age much better than gpus, there are some people here still on core 2, and first gen i series that are still plenty powerful, some of best gpus from 5 years might get it's ass handed to it by an entry level card

yup the 8320 and 7950 would be awesome mabey down the road  a little overclock on both, nice

Ok thanks. I guess I'll go with the 7950 instead. It was kind of a spur of the moment idea, but I guess what I had was better.