So After building my PC I never felt the need to overclock, but since I like to tinker a bit I thought I'd give it a try. I never paid much attention to my temps, so I went in the Bios to see what my current temps were before I gave overclocking a try since my cpu cooler isn't the best (CM TX3) According to my Mobo (M5A97 R 2.0) I'm idling between 33-36 C. That seems kinda high to me so I wanted to know what the idle and load temps I should be shooting for and if my current temps are anything to worry about.
you should rather worry about temps on full load.
That's fine. As vmN stated, max temps are what you need to worry about.
the max safe operating temp for this cpu is about 62 degrees Celsius, i got this from CPUBoss. Last thing do not do any high overclocks of 4 ghz or more unless if your temps in your room are cold like about 15 degress celcius and the cpu is about 30 celcius or under unless your an idiot like me with a coolermaster hyper 212 who oced an fx6300 to 4.3ghz in fked up weather. so to wrap this all up if you wanna oc do it lightly.
Got 46c after about an hr of prime 95, thanks for the input guys
surely you could squiezy out some more GigaHertz
That's pretty damn good. Go for an extra 500mhz on stock voltage and check the temps.