Future proofing for next gen?

I'm curious. With the next generation of consoles coming out and their support of AMD cpu's which CPU processors do you guys think will be the most "future proof" moving forward? Here is an article I found on the topic


Here's a snippet from that article: 

The same source also sees AMD as a better long term bet than Intel:

"This (Sony) approach of more cores, lower clock, but out-of-order execution will alter the game engine design to be more parallel. If games want to get the most from the chips then they have to go 'wide'... they cannot rely on a powerful single-threaded CPU to run the game as first-gen PS3 and Xbox 360 games did. So, I would probably go for the AMD as well, as this might better match a console port of a game... based on what we know so far."

So what do you guys think?

Well here are my thought on next gen


I would stick with AMD for now, if consoles are going to use it, most of the games will be optimised for AMD chip. Its also cheaper and better at multitasking, what seems to be the next thing. Number of cores go up, clockspeeds will propably cap around 5GHz.


The simple solution, is to get one high-end video card, and upgrade it, when the time comes, going with crossfire/sli. The only thing i would keep in mind, is the ammount of GDDR5, im guessing 2GB will not cut it, and 3GB will become the next standard for the cards.

I would wait and see what the AMD 8000 series brings.


Isn't AMD skipping the 8xxx series for consumers and going with the 9xxx series? 

You can't really future-proof anything just upgrade your system when it needs an upgrade depending on how low you want the settings to go before a upgrade that could be 4-5 years.

Where did i, oh riight. 


Its around 4:30 (i can make a link, but you should watch the whole thing anyway)


You can upgrade in the long term, for 4-5 years, buuuuuuuut, if you are an enthusiast like most of us, you are going to be upgrading it every 18 months, and its going to cost you pretty much the same in the long term, because futureproofing usually means getting the best and most expensive thing on the market, like a revo drive with insane ammount of ram and highend Titan card.

It will last for 5 years, but its going to be a 2000$ build.

(This only applys when you are gaming, on the latest titels with the highest settings possible, you can be fine for 5 years,  with a 700$ build with medium settings)


As for AMD gpu, i went to their homepage and o,O



But, i would get a 300$ GPU, (with 3GB+ GDDR5) and add another, when the time comes)

Or if you have more money, 6GB version, the Textures and crap are getting bigger, and im guessing we will see a shift, when the consoles have been out for half a year.

Right now, Skyrim is a great example, it runs fine, with 2GB, but once you mod the hell out of it, with everything highest settings and texture packs, it will struggle.