I am thinking of starting to edit and render videos in the future and I was wondering if the build that I made is ok or if I went a little bit too far. I live in the United States my budget is from $1,000 to $2,000 now again this is for the future I don't have this money now and I just want to know what I can get for this budget. I am planning to overclock and not to water cool since I have seen some problems with that having leaks and other problems. I already have an operating system so that will be out of the question. Plus will I need an optical drive, and what kind of software would you recommend? Here is was I have come up with so far you are more than welcome to edit, change whatever to help me see which will help me more http://pcpartpicker.com/parts/partlist/ . Finally thank you in advanced for all your help.
You have to post the permalink under the large PcPartPicker logo.
How do I post the permalink under the large PcPartPicker logo?