I wasn't around when fps's were the pinnacle of esports, but currently it seems that competitive fps steams don't have viewers because they are all beyond boring to watch. I want to know what you guys think is/was the funnest fps to watch. From present or past.
Do you mean fun to watch from a competitive viewpoint, or just the game play in general? It just depends on so much what game you enjoy and consider fun.
Any game played by competitive players against other competitive players is boring to watch. Just because they are all so skilled and play so conservatively. This is why people watch commentators not pro players.
For me, Rising Storm/Red Orchestra and Natural Selection 2 are really fun to watch if the teams are organized and communicating. Shame there isnt wider popularity for those games. Plus some ridiculous suicidal frags can be seen by players on the japanese team on RS.
I know that there are a few people that like to watch me play Planetside 2, and its not because I am good at it, its because of the chaotic nature of the game, anything can happen, and if something can go wrong, it will. I enjoy watching people play quake or its equivalents (there are a lot of arena shooters). Other than that most fps games like CoD, battlefield, or whatever those console exclusives are are mostly boring.
It's only in open beta but Hawken is really entertaining, not sure if it would be worth watching but it's really enthralling to play. It's the only fps I can think of where teamwork actually matters in tdm.
I'd personally say DayZ because it's the only one where death actually matters and so if you get a team of streamers playing together stories start forming. You get people saying "remember that time when we had a camp up in the hills and a group of bandits found it" or something like that, where as in other games yes there are funny moments but there aren't any truly memorable moments.