Full Trans-Pacific Partnership text published by US gov

Recently the Office of United States Trade Representative (USTR) website released the entire final document of the Trans-Pacific Partnership which I will provide below. The primary purpose of this post is to make the document more accessible for those interested in reading the aforementioned document.

TPP Final document: https://ustr.gov/trade-agreements/free-trade-agreements/trans-pacific-partnership/TPP-Full-Text

I acknowledge that this is a tech forum so I will link subsections of the TPP that are directly relevant to Technology.

TPP Telecommunications: https://ustr.gov/sites/default/files/TPP-Final-Text-Telecommunications.pdf
TPP Electronic Commerce: https://ustr.gov/sites/default/files/TPP-Final-Text-Electronic-Commerce.pdf
TPP Intellectual Property: https://ustr.gov/sites/default/files/TPP-Final-Text-Intellectual-Property.pdf

Maybe @Logan and/or @wendell could take a crack at reading it and maybe mention it on the next episode of "The Tek" or if they feel so inclined create an entire episode dedicated to the topic given how long and comprehensive the document is in its entirety.

Happy reading everyone, it's a loonnnnggg document.

EDIT: Text to speech version of entire document for the visually impaired available via Sargon of Akkad on Youtube:

There's also a text to speech version on youtube

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Yup saw Sargon post that just now but twenty five hours of audio in robotic text-to-speech is insufferable in my opinion haha
Thanks for the consideration. I'll include it in the main post if anyone dares to watch it

Just gotta run it at a faster speed

Mostly it has bookmarks in the descriptions

Just on first reading the document is about strengthening the various patent / intellectual property-rights that were ratified in the mid to late-1960's, and adjusting / amending them for our current digital-era.

A long document to peruse, and I would need to thoroughly scrutinise the document.

I have not read it all, not even close. I am reading it bit-by-bit. But I laughed when I read the "Environment" section and there is not even one reference to Climate Change.

Just empty words like "Promote", "Awareness" and "'Interested'"

Is this that silly bill that's going to give immunity to LG when their televisions harvest your disgruntled convos and submit them to the proper authorities to toss your surly rear-end in a fema camp?