Full or Mid Tower Case 100-300$, Suggestions?

Hello, as the title states im looking for a Full or Mid tower case in the range of 100-300 Dollars.


-Window (I wanna see my money at work :p)

-Decent Cable Management options

Note: I am currently considering the C70 (Corsair) or the RV03 (Silverstone)

I was currently looking at the RV03 case from SilverStone

Newegg: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16811163180


Case is something that's opinionated,

People here can help you decide on components to take advantage of your budget, but when it comes to a case, it's pretty much buy what you want.

If you love a case, lets say the RV03 and it's a chassis you're willing to keep reusing, then do it up because not everyone likes some styling and you shouldn't worry about airflow since silverstone is freakin' epic with their functionality



Yeah that's true, it's a fight between the 600T and the RV03, although the RV03 looks just like the Alienware Aurora cases, which is pretty awesome. It's going to be one tough war.

Every man knows the solution to a debate is a coin toss.

or go with the 600T because you don't wanna look like an overpriced Dell...ha wow

Hah, this is troo. needs more lights though to be an overpriced dell :o


rar :P