Fuck you 'merica

So I used to enjoy casually streaming youtube etc on a 24mb/s speed now I can't I'm blaiming you for having a government which mine sheehishly follows. Oh no our companies realise they are loosing out. HOW! We already have data limits. FUCK.


P.S it wouldn't let me post in community. So let us remember those that died in terribly pointless wars. Woooooooooooooooo 'merica and our 51 now i believe years of wars. Now back to the tek with our host Logan.

The idea that every problem in the world is America's responsibility is a large part of why we get involved in so many wars and conflicts in the first place.  Lets say there are Human rights violations going on in Country X.  If America gets involved, we are called war mongers that should mind our own business and respect national sovereignty.  If we don't get involved, we are called unsympathetic assholes that didn't help people in need.  And it's people with your mentality that are to blame for that.

So while the shenanigans going on between our ISPs and Government is shitty, blaming us for your countries' decision to pull the same shit isn't going to help much.  Last I checked, the US Congress was our representative body, not yours.  Bitch to your own representative body and organize others to do the same if you want to see some change.  Doing anything else amounts to little more than mental masturbation.

I don't think its one country's fault. The fault more lies with the fact that its human nature that if you can get away with something, you have a greater tendency to exploit it more. Its kind of everyone (if you want to start pointing fingers) fault that we did not foresee the possibility of blatant abuses of power.


i disagree.. not to  get all political, but the idea that the world is eager for US involvement is a fiction of the US media imagination.

i do agree with your ISP comments though, even if they did get the idea from US ISPs ultimately their ability to screw with people depends on people being docile / passive / limp and not causing a fuss about it.


But look at the people defending 'Murica, who call those who bitch about their beloved country mental onanists, tell me, don't they make it oh so easy to hate America?

Isn't this thread the very definition of flame baiting?

You are speaking of "our companies" by that you mean the ISPs in your country, right ?

And you are accusing American ISPs of having inspired your ISP to introduce a data cap that is interfering with your YouTube binge-watching, right ?

I have no idea what the you want to tell with the second paragraph, or how American Wars are related to ISPs.

Anyway, if your ISPs are misbehaving, you should find a Customer-rights organization in your country & join. Also get as many of your friends to join as well. Don't let your Frustration out on the customer-rights-organisation, find another way to let off steam. Use the Rights-organisation to learn how to fight back properly.

Here in New Zealand, Where I assume OP is from due to his name, The government and the ISP's follow what Australia and the USA does closely and copies. People like OP and myself get pissed off at america and australia because NZ, like its largest popul;ation, as a country are sheep. They follow what the big boys do and the people who know whats what are ignored and are left to struggle with idiotic beliefs and decisions.

OP's post was nothing more than a //Rant, Blaming these issues souly on america. Which is incorrect. 

as an american- i find that video slightly insulting

also please note that I am a constitutional conservative/Civil libertarian. (AKA-republican, because we only have two choices and that makes me slightly mad.) and they did not shout "F*** yeah" when 'Republicans' rolled around.

Thoreau bless you all.

You can blame this guy http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Milton_Friedman

for this http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Friedman_doctrine

then you can blame your own ISPs for interpreting "free and fair" as "It is only fair that I am free to do what ever the fuck I please including stifling competition and abusing customers." 

I didn't say the world was eager for US involvement, I said if we DON'T get involved in a crisis, we are demonized by those who ask how we could see such suffering and not help...  and if we DO get involved, we are demonized by many of those same people for being war mongers and imperialists.  Meaning no matter what we do, we are the bad guys for doing it.  

My feelings to a "T". 


So fine are Gov. is full of idiots. We're dealing with it (kind of) but it's your country's gov/companies that implemented are stupid ideas. Blame your own Gov. for their stupidity, not the thing they tried to mimic.   

I have to agree with Relinquis, mostly. Usually, if anyone speculates on America's involvement, it's American media.

There might be instances that I am overlooking. I have the recent news of Boko Haram in my mind. In that particular instance, Nigeria told the US not to intervene. However, they did ask for material support. It seems that, in most instances, countries do not want direct military intervention.

I see it differently, I hate all the stupid invading of other countries where there is zero need for military "assistance".America completely should not be meddling in the affairs of another government. The military occupation is a complete affront to those countries and makes their government look bad/worse internationally. Which leads to retaliation. 

The other side is the not interfering and getting called out for being unsympathetic. This is true.  

So don't send a heavily armed, multi-million dollar, invasion force. Send humanitarian aid. Eg: I have no food. shooting a member of community X does not help at all and usually makes the situation worse. But send humanitarian aid and food will be dropped in.  

How can you justify spend the billions of dollars every year on weapons of murder and destruction when what is needed is aid. Not war.

All because the entire America economy is run on war. 


On the ISP thing that really annoys me. I use a services (Netflix) which has it's own set of licences for our country (Ireland). We do not get the same shows as you do, all of it has to be re-licensed and as such we have a much worse service content wise yet still play more (great idea kicking the Irish for the price hike test). Now we are being told that that price increase was not to improve the Netflix service and get a better set of shows but to bail out the idiotic ideas of a country where I have no vote, no citizenship and no say. 

Might just be me but that seems COMPLETELY unfair. That makes me look at everything America does and question it. 

It is all well and good you living in America saying "Fuck it there is nothing I can do!" when as a nation you can, but it is an insult heard almost globally at this point that, that very ignorance impacts the daily lives of millions of people worldwide.

So I get in contact with my representative and he tells his higher up. It amounts to nothing happening as America has executed a monopoly on worldwide economies and services.

We are enacting change on our ISPs, we are forcing better services and we are seeing a result. Slowly and surely it is happening but for what, if our service will be throttled/overcharged because content provider exists under the control of an increasingly out of control and paranoid country.

I am sure I have over simplified, but this is not insane ramblings it is actually happening and having an a effect on people outside America RIGHT NOW!

"On the ISP thing that really annoys me. I use a services (Netflix) which has it's own set of licences for our country (Ireland). We do not get the same shows as you do, all of it has to be re-licensed and as such we have a much worse service content wise yet still play more (great idea kicking the Irish for the price hike test). Now we are being told that that price increase was not to improve the Netflix service and get a better set of shows but to bail out the idiotic ideas of a country where I have no vote, no citizenship and no say. "

What even could anyone in America do? Yeah the price increase was bs, but we don't have control about what licenses get licensed for what.

This guy got it. Man can't be drunk and let off a little rage when he can enjoy the tek?

Everything as too long didn't read.

But I probably will.

Docile/passive/limp, So ah yeah you might not be familiar with History of the little old long white cloud, but in 1835 King George granted  treaty to the Maori granting the Sovereignty over the land and it was agreed that all visitors would be ruled under British law, and always be British subjects with no land rights and only the crown would own land. Since then things have gone pretty much the wrong direction, so I tend to focus my efforts on rectifying the issue of essentially an illegitimate company.