I see it differently, I hate all the stupid invading of other countries where there is zero need for military "assistance".America completely should not be meddling in the affairs of another government. The military occupation is a complete affront to those countries and makes their government look bad/worse internationally. Which leads to retaliation.
The other side is the not interfering and getting called out for being unsympathetic. This is true.
So don't send a heavily armed, multi-million dollar, invasion force. Send humanitarian aid. Eg: I have no food. shooting a member of community X does not help at all and usually makes the situation worse. But send humanitarian aid and food will be dropped in.
How can you justify spend the billions of dollars every year on weapons of murder and destruction when what is needed is aid. Not war.
All because the entire America economy is run on war.
On the ISP thing that really annoys me. I use a services (Netflix) which has it's own set of licences for our country (Ireland). We do not get the same shows as you do, all of it has to be re-licensed and as such we have a much worse service content wise yet still play more (great idea kicking the Irish for the price hike test). Now we are being told that that price increase was not to improve the Netflix service and get a better set of shows but to bail out the idiotic ideas of a country where I have no vote, no citizenship and no say.
Might just be me but that seems COMPLETELY unfair. That makes me look at everything America does and question it.
It is all well and good you living in America saying "Fuck it there is nothing I can do!" when as a nation you can, but it is an insult heard almost globally at this point that, that very ignorance impacts the daily lives of millions of people worldwide.
So I get in contact with my representative and he tells his higher up. It amounts to nothing happening as America has executed a monopoly on worldwide economies and services.
We are enacting change on our ISPs, we are forcing better services and we are seeing a result. Slowly and surely it is happening but for what, if our service will be throttled/overcharged because content provider exists under the control of an increasingly out of control and paranoid country.
I am sure I have over simplified, but this is not insane ramblings it is actually happening and having an a effect on people outside America RIGHT NOW!