FTP advice

Looking for advice on a FTP client. My previous experience is Filezilla.

Also, to keep this on linux - can you FTP via command line?

There is a linux vershon of Filezilla https://filezilla-project.org/download.php?show_all=1

Some linux ftp comand lines here --> http://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/FTP-3.html


+1 to cooperman,
simple commands:
ftp username@serveraddress
sftp username@serveraddress
this will connect you to the ftp server from there you can cd (change directory) ls (list the files/folders)
to upload a file it's
put pathtofile pathtoremotelocation (if no remote is givin it puts it into the PWD(presant working directory)

to download a file it is
get pathtofile pathtodownloadlocation


If you want to mount a sftp server into a local folder you can install sshfs and use as such.
sshfs HOSTuser@ipordns:/folder/to/mount/ ~/Local/Folder

Regular ftp like @cooperman said there is a filezilla linux client.

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I use Serv-U for my FTP server. http://www.serv-u.com/


If you want a GUI Linux FTP client that isn't FileZilla there's gFTP



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Ok wish me luck, I'm going to FTP off the command line to a bluehost account later today.

@CryTek_Penguin - I'm going to look to see if I can install an SFTP on blue host.