FTL and Lego?

Anyone else love FTL and Legos?  Ever thought about FTL Lego sets?

If FTL gets 10,000 votes on the [url=http://lego.cuusoo.com/ideas/view/35223#]CUUSOO website[/url], they'll be made into actual commercial Lego sets, and right now they're at 6,575.  This is also the same process Minecraft took to become official commercial Lego sets.

These are some of the proposed microbuilds and minifigs:

Idea Image

Idea Image

Idea Image

Idea Image

So show some love and support FTL on [url=http://lego.cuusoo.com/ideas/view/35223]CUUSOO[/url]

I'm all over this. Thanks for the post.

Awesome! Definitely supporting this.

As one whos childhood was laced with legos. I might even try to make my own ship from FTL. I made the "Light Jet (3-man)" from Tron and it turned out pretty nice. (i'll post of you want me to)

Thanks guys!  Here's CrashSander's page with the rest of the ship models


And we'd love to see your creation, NJM  :3

Fantastic; I want them to take my money so badly.

I'll upload tomorrow, I got to get my rest for tests now.

CUUSOO has a few other really interesting projects too, like a League of Legends Lego set.  I would recommend checking other things out too if anyone supports FTL there

I used to build little ships like that all the time. I loved taking just a few blocks and, with a little imagination, turn them into something amazing.

OP delivery

It's not perfect but i did my best with the parts i had at the time. you'll notice some colors and sizes are off. Meh.

I delivered

Oh yeah, that definitely looks familiar

Nice work  :3