As a mod, I am telling you that the photos are required, and must have your TekSyndicate username and the date clearly visible in all of them; nobody will give you money without proof of what they're "buying." Have you ever sold something online? It's a standard rule. If you actually have the parts, it shouldn't be a problem. If you're trying to scam, it stops now.
Then you should also be enforcing this rule for people posting on ISO (In Search Of) lists, not just those posting FS threads.
Regardless, standard rules must be posted on this forum and be visible to everyone. The link you posted does not have a clear indication of what is required of all users, and I'm surprised no one has brought this up in any of the threads I've seen on this particular sub-forum.
As an aside, how can one tell you're a Mod? If I missed something in your profile, avatar, or signature, that's my fault, but perhaps you can suggest to one of the Admins to make it a little clearer. Maybe something of significant size and/or color near your avatar?