[FS] Intel Pentium Dual Core E2200 and PNY 8800GT for 40 dollars

I took this processor from an older build that someone gave to me for free. I cleaned all the thermal grease off the top and just tested it on my mobo. Showed my bios screen. Didn't go any further than that because I didn't install a heatsink so I shut down my pc.

http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16819116063 That's the newegg page for it.

I could attempt to also find a motherboard to go with it because I have several 775 motherboards here, but they might all be fried.


Tested it. Runs a little hot. Ran mw3 maxed out with antialiasing at 75ish average fps with a core 2 quad.


For whatever reason, the fan is near the front of the card instead of the back. Dunno why. The model number is exactly the same. The cooler is just a little different.


I'll throw in two other dual core intels that are both 775. To the best of my knowledge, however, they're fried.

Paypal is my preferred payment method, so if you have that, great. If you dont, I'm sure we can work something out.

I would like to see some pictures. And what are you looking at for it? Does it still work?

damit was gunna try to flog you my 8800GTX so you could sli :P (not really^^)

First post updated.

what country do you live in?


United States of Murica. I'll ship internationally buy you have to pay the extra cost. If you want it shipped internationally I'll take it to the post office and they can tell me how much it costs to ship it to you. It would probably still be a deal anyway. 40 bucks for a cpu and gpu is decent.

By the way, I have no cooler to include with the cpu. Not that I know of, anyway. 

If you could maybe find a mobo that would be awesome but I'm definitely interested. Maybe only the GPU but I'll see.

If I get my job at rite aid I'll buy it, what state are you in, might be able to do local pick up

I live in PA. And I can try to find a working motherboard but the chances are slim. They're probably all fried. 


lol yours is a E2200 and mine is a E2180 and i need a mobo lulz

Where abouts in pa? I was born in towanda

I could see of any of the motherboards work if you'd like.

sweet yeah would work for me