First of all: I'm from the Netherlands, so don't mind my grammar, spelling etc ;)
I'm a console gamer for as long as I can remember. I started with an Atari 2600 in 1984 and have been gaming on consoles ever since ending up with a PS3 and 360 last generation.
This generation I decided to go for the PS4 since it has better hardware (fond of good graphics) and I like the games more.
But at the moment I'm unsure of buying another console was the right choice. In summary:
- Last gen consoles were pretty much in the same ballpark as a good gaming pc. This generation the consoles can be compared to a medium gaming pc when you look at graphics and framerate.
- I'm missing backwards compatibility. I have a ps2, ps3, 360, ps4 and an Atari 2600 (re-bought one) hooked up to my tv. This can't go on for another generation
- There are no (good) games! No Driveclub, no Planetside 2, Infamous and Killzone are 'just ok' and PS+ is taking its sweet time to take off.
- Games are way to expensive compared to PC.
- This gen isn't bringing anything new to gaming. Last gen was huge for me with introducing easy ways to co-op games online (if only Morpheus was included on day one!).
So I decided to look up some articles on the internet and ended up watching this video from Tek Syndicate:
In the vid everyone is invited to come to this board when you still have doubts. So here I am ^^
A bit of information regarding what kind of gamer I am:
- I will allways stay a couch-only gamer. I spent enough time at work sitting behind a desk.
- Therefore a pc or console will be hooked up to my tvĀ (Panasonic Plasma 55")
- For the last few years I have been a single player-gamer only. Multiplayer is just to much of an hassle. But maybe that on a pc this will change?
- I plan on using a controller (and therefore won't stand a chance online, I know).
- I game for about 6-8 hours a week.
So what's stopping me?
- I only have time for one main platform. Going from PS4 to PC will mean that I have to sell my PS4. The PC will be something like this: I5, GTX 760 (fairly low on power consumption), 2x4GB ram etc Is it safe to assume that this will give me a better performing gaming experience?
- Is it really that easy to use a pc on a tv as is suggested in the vid and numerous other articles? (Using Big Picture in Steam seems really smooth!)
- Are there members here who have switched from console-gaming to pc-gaming on a tv? (feel free to share your experience!)
- I'm really curious about Oculus Rift. Is a normal budget gaming pc enough for OR?
- Are there things I'm forgetting? Gaming on a console is a pretty 'safe' experience because it's a closed environment.
I'm sure there are some threads on this board similar to mine, but I hope you guys can help me out with my specific situation :)