My friend is building a PC and here is the link:
Any suggestions
BTW my friend is RPGVXM
My friend is building a PC and here is the link:
Any suggestions
BTW my friend is RPGVXM
Hi, I like your build, but there are a few things that are needed to be changed. First, you NEED to just get a good i5 instead of a moderate i7 also, you should get a GTX 960 or a R9 270 which are both very good GFX cards. Also, you will need a gaming desk and gaming chair. that is a pretty good table, I use it myself, it has a lot of special features, and you should get this for your chair I also use that chair. OK, well that's about all i have to say oh wait, you should crossfire a 960 and a 970 to get TItan Z performance. my friend did that once and he got really good performance. He got like 5 FPS on Minesweeper, so that's good. OH and don't forget to get some thermal paste for your PSU that's pretty good. Alright, that's all I have to say. Peace.
Well his parents wont buy him half the parts unless he gets a i7 so he needs that. because of that he cant crossfire the card. And dammit I just realized you are sorta trolling.
Solid build for 1080p gaming,sometimes 1440p depending on the game. Unless he's overclocking heavily the watercooler isn't necessary, a 212 Evo would do fine.
Other than that no real complaints, the 970 won't do 4k or anything but nothing on the market can do that without SLI or Xfire.
As an aside... WTF is the story behind his parents requiring an i7? This is a gaming PC right? CPU doesn't have that much impact and the i7 will only be marginally better than an i5.
His parents wanted him to have the best
About 10 seconds ago he won the argument so now he said he will get a i5.
4K isnt probably gonna be done and the monitor is 1080
He said he will OC
Updated link
I got an h60 instead of a h100i because I thought it was overkill.
H100i is a bit much for an i5, try and maintain that positive case pressure.
May want to hold off on the 970 see where the 4GB thing goes. Maybe the price will drop.
I like this mobo better, plus it keeps with your red scene:
MSI Z97-G45 Gaming LGA 1150 Intel Z97 HDMI SATA 6Gb/s USB 3.0 ATX Intel Motherboard Would be my recommendation since he can now pick an i5.
Going with 4x4gb for the ram is better than the 2x8gb that you had going before.
As said above h100i is a bit much for the i5 so I backed that down the the h60.
With the added savings he can grab a 120gb SSD which will improve performance tremendously.
2x8GB is fine - actually better in this case since the Z97 LGA1150 platform can only take advantage of dual channel technologies.
Consider a Hyper 212 instead of the H60? Performance will be the same, but it will be much cheaper.
Alright he said H60
He wont be building now (I think) so the 970 could get cheaper.
Will tell him about the 3rd thing.
He actually has a snowball mic right now
Will tell about Hyper 212 and SSD