Basically my friends laptop is running of an AMD apu
It has a CPU but its not detected, as in the PC says it's CPU is an AMD 1.5GHz APU.
HP pavilion dv6-6027tx is the model of his laptop
Any ideas on how to fix?
Uhh, we need more info that that. What have you tried, what do you mean it can't detect it. What the hell are you talking about.
An APU is not contained in the GPU... a GPU is part of an APU which is a CPU and GPU put onto a single die...
AMD CPU inside a GPU....... Seems Legit.
How did you come to the conclusion that the CPU is not being detected? Spidey senses?
Is this a troll topic?
Sorry for being such a tard, I read a single article when trying to figure out what an APU is and I either miss-read or dun goofed.
But he's CPU as stated by the computer information is a 1.2GHz AMD APU. Not the I7 that it was built with.
Could you maybe post a cpu-z screen shot or something?
So it's doing something that is physically impossible? Okay...
I'll try to get a picture tomorrow. But yeah, It's really fucking confusing.
That model comes with a i7 (2720qm) & a Radeon 6770M. (source)
Use something like CPU-Z & GPU-Z to verify.
If those programs state otherwise (cpu and/or gpu) then:
- the model number you've stated is wrong
- or your friend was sold 'x' and received 'y'
You cant 'fix' it if its an APU and he paid for an i7 system. It is what it is.
Have no clue how I accidentally edited this, but IDK.
An APU is what AMD came up with a few years back - cpu + gpu on the same die (chip) that share system memory (RAM) - essentially what i3/i5/i7's are just that the gpu side has more grunt and can be paired with (crossfire) discrete gpu's that match while the cpu side is weaker (in some respects).
Laptops that come with APU's are generally low end, so if your mate bought a laptop advertised with an i7 when really it has an APU like an A10 then whomever sold it to him is a liar and thief.
He bought it second-hand from a close mutual friend who doesn't have the technical know-how to do something like that. He bought it from the original retailer.
It's very strange, there is no-way this could've been done by the original owner (since we both know him well) and even he complained about it's speed.
Was the original retailer a store? Did it come with receipt.
JB hi-fi
And the warrenty is way out by now.
Damn. Well fire up CPU-Z and GPU-Z and find out what's what. They will not get it wrong and let you know what's up.
I am genuinely looking forward to the cpu-z result.
CPU not detected? Sounds like you need to upgrade the bios for it to be supported
topic moved to cpu section.
I would guess that you are seeing an error with the AMD64 instruction set, which intel licensed from AMD. Other than that, it is a bizarre issue, since switching out the CPU/MOBO/etc is not something that would have been done by a previous owner. Unless your misinterpreting the error message, then it may be a mislabeled product or a floor model.
Thanks for the move
Also: It can't be the wrong model cause even then they're all Intel I series processors.
Please give more information...