So my buddy is new to pc gaming and wants a fairly nice system, he will mostly just be playing games, i think he is leaning towards AMD cpu, (8320 maybe 6300) he plays games like battlefield, arma 3, chivalry.
Ive been trying all day to get something to fit the budget but will also perform nicely, but im having troubles. Also is you could use Canadian dollhairs that would be great :) thanks a bunch!
Here is a 8320 build. It's a little over your price but still good.
And here is a 6300 build.
Lowering the cost of the 8320 build:
Gigabyte cards are some of the worst cards, they are ugly and I've heard of poor customer support.
You put a crappy stock cooler card and your trashing his? STFU I have a gigabyte card and its super quiet and runs super cool. Try one before you trash it A little over but not as much as some other suggestions, but you get a 8320 on a quality board with a Gtx 770. You can easily get it under $1000 if you skip the ssd which is definitely the least necessary part of the build.
How important is arma3 for him ? because if its one of his main games to play, then its better to go intel.
if its not that important then go with FX8320.
AMD option:
Intel option:
True, arma3 has terrible threading.
This build will kick some ass.
^implying i haven't
I have owned a gigabyte card and its ugly feck, the blue PCB needs to GTFO already. And i like stock coolers they look conservative and minimalist.
yeah but its not in Canadian Dollars ;)
Also the Asrock 970 pro3 is abit rubbish. But for the rest not bad. ☺
Blue pcb's aren't present on any of the new windforce 3 cards... And stock coolers run much hotter and louder
Also the ram is 1600mhz at a cas of 9 but runs at 1.65 volts... WAY to many volts for that
Dammit Canada!
Updated Version:
That processor draws as many volts as an 8 core at 125 watts which is to much for that board it comfortably handle. Also a Gtx 780 and a 6350 are not very balanced... Getting a 8320 with a 760 or 770 + a ssd would be much more balanced...
Idiot. He said the new one. I have the 770 Windforce. Quiet, Cool, and sexy looking.
No. The 6350 is fine for a 780. And it's fine. That board is okay for the 6350.
You can use an R7 GPU to crossfire with the new Kaveri APUs.
Cheapest one so far btw
Still wont touch a 780, or even a 760.