Fresh PC (What should I do? :)

Hey guys I just got my new PC hooked up and running. I've got a few questions / issues.

  • First off I am not getting any signal from my HDMI off the video card. Any suggestions on getting that fixed up? I have an AMD R9 
  • Secondly what anti-virus / anti-malware do you guys recommend? I have avast as of right now.
  • Third what other software do you guys suggest I get? Is there any standard steps I should take with having a fresh PC?
  • And last, what games do you guys suggest I grab up to play? I play a lot of strategy and RTS games but I'm down for trying out anything. Especially some indy games that I've never heard of.

ATI utility?

Watch it.

You should like get one of those new 10 terabyte hard drives and fill it with porn.

^^^^+1  best answer

Do what King Kai said and go to for some software, but really the basic is what you need for the moment. CCleaner and Malware bytes my default layout. I've used avast, avg and found the two to be really obtrusive. 

If you're gonna mod you games, then grab Nexus Mod Manager 
And as far as an Office Suit goes, I live off of Libre Office for all my school work

Also, a music player besides iTunes (unless you really need to install it), I'm a big fan of MusicBee, seems no here has really heard of it but there is also Foobar which ive never messed with myself but is so great that Logan did a video dedicated to it

So the tally

OFFICE SUITE, or just stick with Google Office


SECURITY (I recommend Malwayre bytes).....and there are several paid and free options for these things.

Music Player 

Thanks everyone. I went into the AMD utility, grabbed malware bytes, cc cleaner, and filled up my 10 terabyte harddrive with porn. I'm watching the video from the tek now to see what it says :)


That's dope AF breeh 

Yeah. Think about how quick my internet must be to grab 10 tera's in the 2 hours it took me to respond.

Unless he's in Tokyo taking advantage of Sony's 2Gbps Internet 

Kon'nichiwa Tōkyō no yūjin kara

What the 2gbps.... my connection is 95% slower than that xD